Speike please try to remember that Firefly has a lot more features than was used in that 1 tutorial. we chose not to use an encrypted zip file for that game for ease of use both for our users convenience and because we were giving those model away with the tutorial anyway so why would we protect them ?

Please make demo version of firefly for best business
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I would love if there was some video tutorial showing how to build a small game in action, to see how complicated it looks like.
Chris has a dungeon crawler with source in the store. It is nicely done. IMHO.
The problem of the chocobreaker example it's this is not even a real 3d game. By 3d game, a lot of people mean platform games or rpg not a 2d-like game.
You cannot sell a product with no trial version, very few examples, only one not very useful tutorial, no guarantee than it will be supported by the new version of Fusion coming soon, and yet expect a lot of people to buy it. I mean, you're company, not a startup on Kickstarter !
You seem to fear we could hack your trial version... that's preposterous. On one hand, you want us to "invest" in your research ('cause you're selling an unfinished product, like a startup would seek support by building a community of followers on kickstarter) and, on the other hand, you don't trust us, and suspect us to try to steal/hack your product. You won't go anywhere with this mindset. -
Chocobreak is not a AAA first person shooter, you are so correct on that. If you have peeked at the documentation for it on library.clickteam.com you would see how easy it was to make in Firefly and Fusion. The reason we pushed that first. Is I would gander 90% of our users have worked in 2d only. These tutorial was designed to bridge the gap.
Here are some video of recent stuff posted, that goes beyond Chocobreak...
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Ok so ADS_3000, How are we selling a unfinished product? I myself made two 3d game examples in less than a month with it. We do the best we can. If that is not good enough well I am sorry and we hate to lose you as a user. Of course we hope lots of people will give it a shot! You can make 3d games using the event editor what's not to love. Existing users can do it for about the same cost as a new Xbox one game and new a blueray movie. No royalties after the fact. Seems like a good bargain to me.
As you might already know, They are OBJECTS that are added to Fusion and as such are hard to protect. Thus why we don't have a demo version like we do of Fusion itself. Theft and hacking is always a constant threat and a drain on our resources and revenue generation. Those aspects affect our ability to move forward and produce at a rate we would like.
We will continue to push out demos and we are working on some videos to show how to use it. Documentation will continue to grow as well. We have been working on Firefly for over 5 years. And will continue to work on it for years to come. As long as it financially makes sense. Maybe you don't understand. But we aren't a fortune 500 company. we don't have large reservoirs of cash laying around enabling us to have teams of 3d artists or tons of document makers. We are 9 guys trying to bring a unique and super easy way to provide programming to everyone. And now we are trying to do the same thing with 3d.
Oh please!!!! Stop with the i want a free product. clearly just tire kickers anyway!
Yay Grand Theft Fusion .... awesome... what a possibilities..
There are so many ways to do things, and 2D is easy to convert to 3D.. look at the 3D Chomp.
I am having a blast with it, to figure things out, and the Chatgroup in Discord helps a lot too.
does firefly work with the exporters like ios & android, cud it be used to make a 3d mobile game?
Currently Firefly is PC only. As the user base expands, we will look at adding export options to it. We know WE CAN do it. It just needs to make financial sense to spend the funds to make it happen. Man it would be cool to make 3d games for mobile though wouldn't it!
does firefly work with the exporters like ios & android, cud it be used to make a 3d mobile game?
Buy it my friend... so we can get support
I know you can do it!!!
Kisguri what a tease.... "Man it would be cool to make 3d games for mobile though wouldn't it!" OF COURSE!!!!! lol
HAHAHA sorry about that Perry, remember I am not only Vice President but I am also a client!
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Hahahahahaha Now you do Hair products too ? xd :d ( Simon need to fix those smilies (the selection makes them lowecase) ^ They don't work.. XD
Buy it my friend... so we can get support
I know you can do it!!!
Wen i've make enough money from my games made using the clickteam products i've already purchased then i'll look into it.currently i've made a whopping £17.00 WOOHOO!
as kisguri said... "it needs to make financial sense" XD
Well, it would, but he is missing 1 sale... so buy it XD lol
You need to start working on it dude.. make some simple apps. (i'm not kidding) people love those.. and use Admob..
Heck.. just bought a new Mac book Pro (2015 model) not the new one.. that one is slower and not good reviews.. and all paid by the apps and getting it in the mail this weekSo I can sell my 2009 13" Macbook
Even bought FF and all the Demo's for it.. $105 spent for it, if I ever want do PC games, I got the basis right here.. Maybe i'll Make Life inside a slot Machine 3D adventure... LOLPM me, if you need help or ideas with new App. and start posting them...
We all have to start something..Look at KisGuri... He started with hair products, and now he is VP of Clickteam... Hair does do wonders XD
3D slot machine XD
& new mac, thats awesome
i think i can but a new mcflurry XD
i did make a couple of simple games but no one dowloaded then lol. i've got endless ideas for games, i just take ages coz i'm jus a bit of a perfectionist, a habit i'm trying to break lol.
& if success is measured by hair length, i shud be at the top of the pile XD
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