NeW Multiplayer extension (in development)

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • I am creating a new Multiplayer object, the server runs on NodeJS and standard Websocket (RFC-6455) hence the name "NeW", i was thinking "e" for "express", but i am not using that after all.
    So far it seems to work well on the HTML5 runtime, i started with javascript since the server itself is also built with javascript.
    Working on this full time. I'll be moving on to make an iOS version (yay!!), as well as Windows and Android. Cross-platform awesomeness ^^

    Not sure when/how much, but i will probably try to sell it on the clickstore when it's ready and after i've released a couple games using it first.

    Uploaded a test game here: Please login to see this link.
    You can open multiple windows to try.

    It's similar to lacewing, but it's made from scratch so a couple things work a bit differently and i am adding some really cool features.
    (in my extension channels are called "rooms", and subchannels are just called "channels")

    Sending a private message works across rooms.
    Player lists can be fetched from any room from anywhere at any time.
    When connecting you are immediately assigned a guest username,
    then it includes optional account registration, so you can register your username with a password. (at any time)
    AND it includes cloud-storage data, which pretty much works like INI:
    a player can store values and text on their account, log in from anywhere to retrieve it.
    anyone can store values and text to a room, which is accessible to everyone, and still stored while the room is empty.

    websockets don't support udp transfer, but i believe i structured the data messaging in a clever way, making it extremely efficient.

    Please login to see this link. =)

  • Très bonne nouvelle.
    Very good news.

    mais jeux en flash fait avec mmf :Please login to see this link.

    les video du projet controleur des jeux flash,htlm5,EXE,sourie avec le telephone comme manette :)
    VIDEO Please login to see this link.

    VIDEO Please login to see this link.

  • Haven't tried a heavy stress-test yet, but using single bytes/shorts in a few places, so at most 255 players per room, and about 65,000 on the server in total. Likely something else limiting it before that tho, but i am using a kind of tick-based send procedure to minimize load, so it could be realistic with 100+ in a room for a simple game which is using it properly (sending bytes rather than strings etc)

    html5 is done, (perhaps more bug testing needed) half-way through android, and i am also most excited for the iOS version! getting on to that next.

    Please login to see this link. =)

  • Yeah it works great. Html5 is complete, server is running stable. Both Android and iOS are pretty much done as well!, but need more testing to find bugs and then fix them.
    I am working on my main game using this, so my time is split between doing the extension and the game, with some to spare for sleeping and eating etc :P

    Please login to see this link. =)

  • Any ETA on when this will be done? I think it could be a really useful object to have on-hand, even if it costs money.

    My Please login to see this link. (which I actually use), my Please login to see this link. (which I mostly don't use), and my Please login to see this link. (which I don't use anymore pretty much at all really). If there are awards for "'highest number of long forum posts", then I'd have probably won at least 1 by now. XD

  • Would love to know what the server-side requirements are like, and how i can get involved with this right away - PixelKick and zDragonEmpire are working on something right now that NEEDS this... I'm sending you a PM - hope we can discuss!

    Kevin Gunn (Tuna) - Hey! Check out MechaBall on iTunes by scanning below!

  • TCP then?

    Also, make sure you check in with Fernando to see the best way to code this up for complete cross-platform compatibility. Instead of having lots of different source files all over the place, there are some strategies you can implement to your extension management to ensure updates across all platforms without much hassle.

    I will certainly test this given the chance.

    Game Launcher Creator V3 - Please login to see this link.
    Bespoke Software Development - Please login to see this link.
    Learn Clickteam Fusion 2.5 - Please login to see this link.

    Danny // Clickteam

  • The server is built on NodeJS javascript, i run it on a VPS with NodeJS and the following NPM packages:
    - ws (websockets)
    - mysql
    - microbuffer
    - collections/set
    - collections/map

    Also a little bit of sql database setup to support account data.

    I don't know yet when it's ready, but the plan is to sell the object on the clickstore (most likely one purchase for each runtime), set up a public server to use, and also release the server source code with a quick guide so anyone can set up their own server.

    As NodeJS has gained a lot of popularity there seems to be some new good affordable host options available, it should be compatible with those.

    The code is pretty messy tho, and it's pretty much one of my first extensions, so i certainly wasn't aware of any extension management techniques, which means it's all over the place, but it works which is the important part :)

    Some glitches on iOS which i am looking into at the moment, and the implementation is a bit of a hassle, as i only managed to implement websockets with "Socket Rocket" using CocoaPods, which needs to be installed and added after export. If anyone knows of an easier iOS websocket alternative, be sure to let me know.

    Luckily there was a decent .jar library available for android, so that works straight out of the box.
    And it works with just plain javascript on the html5 runtime :)

    Haven't created the windows runtime yet, for me personally it's not the most important as i mainly develop for mobile and can test pretty quickly using html5.

    Please login to see this link. =)

    Edited once, last by SoftWarewolf (January 28, 2017 at 11:24 AM).

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