Hi guys,
so far I learn that proper organization (grouping, commenting) in Fusion is half job done.
Now I need a really good strategy for my first stage of prototyping. My level is huge, has many floors and rooms. Because it's slow-paced adventure game, player will go from room to room in classic point and click adventure fashion: player click to open the door -> screen goes black -> player is inside the room. So, there is transition between rooms.
With that in mind, I don't know how smart idea is to have whole level loaded into memory. I think that parts of the level should load the moment when player decide to go there. When he exit, that part should unload from memory. Or there is better approach to this, I don't know.
If I place whole level into one frame, probably will be easy to code and "see" things, but I don't know what's going to happen with the memory resources. If I split one level in more than one frame, I have to make redundant things - to copy events from one event to another because the mechanic of the game is staying the same trough all game.
Do you have any advice or strategy how to make things right in this process?