Testing on iPhone (without Mac?)

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • I'm looking to make a little game in Fusion 2.5 that I can get on my iPhone but I'm struggling to find anything in-depth that can help. I own the iOS Export Module and Fusion Developer 2.5.

    I'd just like to know more about the process of actually downloading the app to an iPhone. I understand that getting the program onto the App Store requires an Apple Developer account, as well as a Mac (because only Macs run Xcode?). However, I'd just like to get the program onto my own personal iPhone for now; does this still require Apple Developer and a Mac? I'm not particularly familiar with Xcode or .cci files and I'd just like a bit more information on transferring Clickteam programs to iPhone.

    If anyone knows of a step-by-step guide or manual surrounding this, it would be much appreciated! :)

  • Hey Soilydude,

    I'm actually on the tail end of creating my first app! And I promise brother, it's not as hard as I first made it out to be. I'm going from memory but here's the steps that I use to test my fusion game on my Iphone. Please post again if you need further help.

    1: Download X-Code on your mac!
    2: On your Fusion game, set your application to X-code Project and Build.
    3: Upload your built game via google drive, dropbox, or whatever you use for file sharing.
    4: On your mac, go to the file sharing site you uploaded too and download.
    5: Open your X-code project and click on the file that has .xcodeproj
    6: Plug your iphone into the mac. It should pick up your phone, but if not, click on simulators and select your phone.
    7: Click "Project" at the top of X-code and select run!

    Your project should be built onto your device. Good luck! Here's Clickteam's documentation on the subject. It's really easy once you get it.

    Please login to see this link.

    Edit: Just reread you don't have a Mac...? Hmmm, I don't know of any other way. Hopefully you can get one!

  • Thank you for the swift reply!

    It's not too big an issue if a Mac is needed, I just wanted to make sure that was my only option going forward. Does this all require an Apple Developer account (even if it's for personal use on your own phone)? It's a shame there's not a simpler and more accessible process for personal testing of apps but ah well!

    Thanks again for taking the time out to help :)

  • As far as I remember, I started this journey like 8 months ago so I don't remember exact chain of events, but I didn't need a paid developer account to test on my own device. I think I did have to have a developer account created though. Not hard, just sign up. But now that I'm nearing completion and want to upload to App store, I definitely had to have a paid account.

    It's honestly not hard once you just do it. The first time it works, it's like a magical feeling. Lol. And then it's habit now! Good luck brother.

  • It's possible to do it w/o the MAC, I did it.

    I use VirtualBox with MacOSX El Capitan, works fine on my i7 Win7 PC. The iPhone is recognized in emulated MacOS and app is compiled to it using XCODE.

    It was not a easy task to do, and you need to know what to do and be familiar with both operating systems.

    As far as creating personal apps, you can do it w/o paying the $99 a year, but the app only works for 6 days. This is fine if you want to develop and are not ready to pay Apple.

    Check out my game!
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  • I second that Animan99 - VirtualBox and El Capitan works great - helps if you have an I7 and more RAM, but it does work quite well.

    Kevin Gunn (Tuna) - Hey! Check out MechaBall on iTunes by scanning below!

  • I might have a look at running through a virtual operating system, I wanted to avoid the hassle of it but I guess it could save me purchasing/borrowing a Mac. What's the 6 day limit thing about? Seems odd, is there a reason for it?

  • They give you 6 or 7 day certificate for the APP, then it expires, and you have to recompile again. This is for the free dev account.
    If you pay the $99 a year, then this limitation is removed.

    Check out my game!
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