Alright, so I have this new project I'd like to start working on- a mainly (if not exclusively) multiplayer game, and I need answers before I can even dream of bringing it to life. First off, I need to know if it's possible to get a big number of people playing the same match. Say if it were some sort've team based game, would it be possible to get two teams of 5 in the same online match? Also, is it possible to hook this game up to some sort of server, where you have to create an account and log in? Would it be possible to have stats saved to the account, like rankings, time played, etc? Would it be possible to create parties of friends, and have them join a queue with you, to be matched up randomly with other players within a similar rank to you and said friends? (think of the Competitive Play Matchmaking in Overwatch, if you've ever played that game- except of course, this game being made with fusion, would be 2D)
I also need to know about custom keybindings, as I want to give the players of said game controls that feel right not just to me as the developer, but them as the players. So if someone could help point me in that direction, I need to know how to do that for keyboards, and for controller users.
I'd prefer to use 0 plugins in creating this title, so if you could tip me off on how I'd go about doing it without plugins that'd be great, but if plugins are a must, I'm willing to use them, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could point me in the direction of the ones I need.
If this doesn't seem like something possible with fusion, please tell me so that I don't waste my time with it.