Help needed with Iron Source

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • I started picking up Iron source again after xxxx months. (have a busy life)

    Now I am running into a problem, that the app will not continue after I close an ad

    here is an example: Please login to see this link.

    problem is that randomly after closing the ad, the counter stays on 1 and NOT going to 4 (closing the ad event)
    it works 1 or 2 times, but then it just fails constantly. and need to restart the app.

    Any suggestions for the people who are using it successfully ?

    and 2nd.. Admob Banners are not supported in Iron source.. So I am planning to use the Admob object, and don't use Admob within Iron source.. That seems to work fine for me.
    Unless there is another way?

    Thank you all people :)

  • I think you asked this question long time ago in a PM

    admob banner and ironsource work with different sdk that may have some kind of conflict at any time. so no guarantee.

    nothing have change in ironsource or runtime that may affect this.

    I will check your mfa later


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • Yes Perry problem is; the closed condition are not trigger anymore, this happen after my changes though.

    about update, started yesterday to make a deep change in favor of 6.5.1, but need to wait until Friday, they make some changes in listeners and deprecated some conditions, these changes require work on the windows extension and all others; iOS and Android


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • you need the user ID code from Iron source, and then you need all the other codes from the ad providers that you are going to use.
    Look in the help with instruction that link to each one of them.

  • My question is where to find the user ID. I have read the tutorial but I do not understand it well to finish the configuration.

    Provedires of ads I have placed several.

    To see if they can help me, I'm interested in generating money with my application. I am paying my users for playing games and completing missions and this extension will perfectly complete my app and my income.Please login to see this attachment.

  • Follow the instructions in the Help file, on how to setup each ad provider.
    you need to register for EACH ad provider in order to get the codes on their pages..
    It takes a while to complete everything

  • READ the help file.. from EVERY ad company you need to be registered and SETUP the ad for that one. From there you will find a code that belongs for your app.
    You really need to read the help and follow the instruction on the different sites in order to get your code(s). you can end up with 10-20 different ones.. depending on the ad provider.

  • I have registered several.

    All I have registered loading the account created or colcoando the data they ask me.

    Admob lfor example I have it registered, but I can not configure it :(

    there is something that fails and that I do not catch with the tutorials

    Please login to see this attachment.

  • Do you have a popup blocker enabled.
    Did you Enable Admob on the Ironsource website?
    Did you register fully in Admob. (Taxes etc etc.)
    Did you register fully for IronSource.. (filled out all the legal paperwork etc..)

    and no clue what you mean with "When the trial period ends?"

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