Dear all,
New to F2.5 and first time poster (please be gentle with me). I've searched the forums, asked Google for help, viewed some vids and even bought a book.... but I'm still a little confused over the variance answers I've been given.
In 2.5, how do you create a platform, a standard platform, for a player to walk on and jump off from. I know it's a simple question, but the answers out there refer to:
* backdrops
* active backgrounds
* objects
* 3rd party behaviours
2.5 seems to have some of these, slightly different variations on these (a hangup of its development no doubt), required installation of these, etc. and I'm just confused at off-the-shelf creation of a platform for Fusion 2.5
I will admit to being a little OCD so the subtle difference in how things are referred to doesn't compute in my head too easily.
My thanks for your time and my apologies if the simple answer is out there already (which I'm sure it is ...I just need help).