here is a WIP about 3d model for Kwarn Armada Tactics. All is made in Blender 2.78. here is the flat model (without texture) :
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here is a WIP about 3d model for Kwarn Armada Tactics. All is made in Blender 2.78. here is the flat model (without texture) :
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Here is the public demo on itch.io. We want to know your feeling on our game ! So please comment on itch Thank you !
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Here is the start of the fisrt part of the boss 3. Blender for ever
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Second part of this spaceship :
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hum... i made a retake of this space ship. I hope to finish it soon !
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I think i have the design for this boss... pfiou ! lot of work just for the first part ! Tell me if you like it
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The part 2 of this space ship :
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Second part of the boss finish ! Tomorrow, i will finish it !
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Yeah ! The boss 3 is complete
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End of the WIP of the boss 3 :
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Those look really cool!
Thanks Robeez
Please Clickers, Vote for us on Square enix collective to bring Kwarn Armade Tactics at the top !
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Interesting thing you try the collective! I opened an account and voted! May the force be with you
YEAH JULIAN Many thanks !!!!
integration of the boss 3 in the game :
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retake of the boss 3 for the nimrods spaceship :
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I tried the demo and the game felt really polished and high quality but until I saw your spaceship models I was 100% sure the ships in game were just drawings. Seeing that you modeled each spaceship made me appreciate the game even more. What I don't understand is, what was the reason you choose to model the ships not just draw them? Playing the demo all I saw were sprites from one top down perspective. I really like the animations for generals but I wished the ships would at least wobble a bit to make them more dynamic.
Hi Huntermanx,
Many thanks i really appreciate ! If you can, please support us here : Please login to see this link.
All models are in 3d for 3 reasons :
1-in this game, you have 2 cameras for each ship : top and 3/4. So with a 3d model, it is more simple.
2-in the demo, the BD isn't there. And i use the 3d model to make some drawing for the beta release which have the campaign mode with the BD.
3-kwarn is more than a game : it is a story. So another game with this universe is being prepared.
For the ship's animation, the problem is complex ! this is not an animation problem of course. But we have lines of action and we can not move the gun so easily. But i will see what i can do to make the ships more dynamic.
Here is a new background : the frontier beetween Argos and Krang's kingdom.
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I Registered and voted. Good luck
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