Tick all that apply 67
I regularly/sometimes post here (37) 55%
I very rarely post here, but I often lurk (19) 28%
I use Fusion mainly as a hobby (37) 55%
My Fusion game(s) are my job - I make my living from them (or hope to) (25) 37%
I'm using Fusion for now, but I hope to move onto 'real' programming eventually (10) 15%
Fusion is only one of several programming environments that I regularly use (20) 30%
I'm in my teens or younger (4) 6%
I'm in my 20s (14) 21%
I'm in my 30s (27) 40%
I'm in my 40s or older (22) 33%
Just a quick poll to learn a little more about who we are as a community. I thought it'd be interesting. It's multiple choice, so tick all the answers that apply