volCAMERA: a powerful camera engine for Clickteam Fusion 2.5

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi everyone,

    I'd like to announce Please login to see this link., which is a powerful and highly customisable camera solution for Fusion 2.5 that I've been working on for a while now, and have just completed. Features include:

    -Smooth linear interpolation (LERP) with customisable speeds
    -Tweak camera settings on the fly with the fully-featured HUD
    -The same camera engine that is used in Spryke
    -Well commented code
    -Highly modular (easy to use any combination of features you want)
    -Up to 4 directions of overshoot (a.k.a. camera lookahead)
    -Jump locking
    -Wall-jump locking
    -Camera shake
    -Platform snapping
    -Adjustable boundaries
    -Snap or LERP to boundaries
    -Camera can snap to boundaries or cushion against them with LERP
    -Press a button to save current camera settings to TXT file that explains how to implement them in your game.
    -Designed to be as easy as possible to plug into your own game (intermediate knowledge of Fusion is still recommended)
    -Supports side-view games by default, but could easily be adapted to a top-view game.

    Here's a video showing it in action, and explaining all of its features and settings:

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    Also, for a really great article about videogame cameras, with tons of animated visual examples, make sure you check out this Please login to see this link..

    I hope it's useful to you!

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    Edited once, last by Volnaiskra (March 31, 2017 at 6:48 AM).

  • Oh wow, that looks awesome! I think I'll be picking that up for my sci fi scrolling game soon, it needed some better camera movement badly!

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  • Thanks for the heads up, Marv. Linked fixed.

    MEHRDAD: Yes, it's basically cross-platform. The only non-cross-platform object it uses is the File Object, and that's only used for the demo/console portion (to save your preferred settings into a TXT file). The File Object isn't used at all by the actual camera engine.

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  • MEHRDAD: Yes, it's basically cross-platform. The only non-cross-platform object it uses is the File Object, and that's only used for the demo/console portion (to save your preferred settings into a TXT file). The File Object isn't used at all by the actual camera engine.

    OK. Thanks. I'll buy it this week.

    p.s : Sorry for another question . Is it possible add zoom effect too ? ( cross platform)

    My website and 2d Animation artworks: Please login to see this link.

    Edited once, last by MEHRDAD: Add last line (March 31, 2017 at 8:23 AM).

  • Is it possible add zoom effect too ? ( cross platform)

    Very interesting idea. I hadn't actually thought of zoom, and it's something I'll definitely look into. Though I expect it would end up being a complex task, so it probably won't happen soon.

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  • It's absolutely amazing, I've bought it! Incredible level of control, absolutely miles ahead of what I was trying to do, thank you so much for this, the community was definitely in need of a detailed camera example! Thanks for all the threshold settings, perfect for tweaking to get spring lookaheads right!

    Just had a thought, is it possible to be able to have the lookahead kick in only if you move a certain threshold distance? If you check:
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    Also, is there a minor bug with the jump (not fall) overshoot buttons in the example? The positive (+) button never seems to be available to click?

    Amazing engine, thanks again!!

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  • Thanks Christian_Wheel :)

    elvisish: that's not a bad idea. I think you can currently approximate something like that by using a low "speed" (XovershootSpeed) setting. But using a threshold setting like in those examples, for a pure 'deadzone' would be a good feature. I'll look into that. Until then, if you wanted, you could probably add it yourself, using something similar to what I've done with the "stairs threshold" feature.

    I don't see any bug with the jump overshot + buttons on this end. Is the value in question at 10 or higher? The demo constricts most values to between 1-10, so if it's at 10, the + button will grey out. You can still use higher values though, by setting them in the code. And you can easily turn off the code in the vC CONSOLE section that greys out that button (or you can simply change the value from 10 to something higher, so it greys out much higher)

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  • I've done version 1.01, which fixes a bug where the camera would jitter wildly for the first few moments of the frame. I'll put a new version up on the Clickstore, but until it's up, you can very easily fix the bug yourself by making the following change:

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    The problem was that the catchup values were starting out 100 times too big. They'd eventually calibrate back to normal, but until they did that, the camera would wildly orbit the player, at a radius of tens of thousands of pixels :o

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  • I'm getting this tonight after work! very well done - just watched your video and I'm highly impressed!

    Kevin Gunn (Tuna) - Hey! Check out MechaBall on iTunes by scanning below!

  • Damn, stuff like this makes me realize just how behind I am in FUSIONRY.
    And you have a cool voice too, Volnaiskra! From your avatar I always thought you'd sound like Bono or something :D

    Weebish Mines, my retro Metroidvania!
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  • I've noticed that I made a dumb mistake in the "connect volCAMERA with game" group. In the comments, I keep talking about the "ORANGE object", but the object in question is actually maroon (I changed the color towards the end of making volCAMERA, and forgot to update the comments). I'll update the Clickstore soon, but until then, just to clarify: when I talk about the "ORANGE object", I mean the volCAMdemoObject, which is maroon, with a vC on it.

    Damn, stuff like this makes me realize just how behind I am in FUSIONRY.
    And you have a cool voice too, Volnaiskra! From your avatar I always thought you'd sound like Bono or something :D

    Haha. I wish! Irish accents are amazing.

    By the way, you've actually released some commercial games, so I think you're several levels of FUSIONRY ahead of me ;D

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