How could I make SCP Containment Breach styled level generation?

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  • This is a bit of an odd question, but where would I start with making random level generation like the one used in SCP CB? As in, it creates a grid of random rooms and hallways which use presets as the actual rooms. A good example of what I mean by the generation can be seen in this video (Not mine) Please login to see this link.

  • This would be a fairly complex task. One approach would be to make a custom level design tool which saves out level chunks in Array objects. Then, when you run the game, load all your level chunks and pick them at random to be placed into a larger Array, which would define the layout of the entire level. You will have to plan ahead to figure out how these pieces will be connected via hallways; one easy approach would be to just have the random rooms conform to a large grid so all the hallways can be straight.

    If you want more interesting layouts you'll have to plan out a more advanced algorithm. Procedural content generation is practically an entire field of study, and there's a huge Please login to see this link. devoted to it.

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  • I've been trying to do this for the last couple of days. I have a node generator finished and done, i just cant figure out how to actually place the rooms in the frame. Didnt think it would be this complex tbh.

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