If the goombas turn around when they hit the wall, maybe the pictures for one of the directions is lower than the other.
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I checked and they seem to be in the same spot.
I currently have it so if the goomba is overlapping a backdrop, then the game will subtract 1 from the Y-position of the goomba.
I have this here so that the goomba doesn't constantly switch directions.
He would switch directions constantly because his flag is toggled while he is overlapping a backdrop, and the game is subtracting 1 from the Y-position of the goomba when he's on a backdrop to fix this.
This will prevent him from always being in the floor and switching directions as the flag is toggled on and off.
When the goomba collides with a wall and switches directions, it runs the event of subtracting 1 from the Y-position of the goomba again because:
+ Goomba is overlapping a backdrop -> Subtract one from Y-position of goomba.
So basically, it runs the event of moving the goomba up a pixel when standing on the backdrop when the goomba touches the side of a backdrop.