Hello guys ,
I'm new on the world of mobile and I don't know that much ! Btw I was inspired by the 360 youtube video and I wondered if there was possipble to make such thing with fusion !
If you have a smartphone you probbably have the youtube app and if you go to 360 videos that's just amazing ! Some how they track your position and when you rotate in real world you rotate in the you tube video !
My question was is it possible to make such thing in fusion with the accelerometer ???
So I started testing how does accelerometer so I made a simple app .apk where you get the 3 coordinates x,y,z for each option what I foun out is that even the smarphone is on the table the values keep changing ! That means that somehowe the acclerometer isn't working well or that the accelerometer obj isn't that precise !
Now is there anyway to simulate that 360 accelerometer tracking ? That would be awesome !
If anyone want's to talk I'm also on discord you can finde me Please login to see this link.