Hey everyone, I'm back again.
I have an 'Active' object that is my enemy, and it has a Alterable Value 'ID' that is always spread to all the other duplicates of the object in the frame.
I'm trying to make gravity physics using FastLoops and Alterable Values.
I've tried setting 'ySpeed' Alterable Value where another Alterable Value named 'Gravity' is added to it whenever the 'Active' isn't colliding with a backdrop.
Currently, the 'Gravity' value will always have 0.005 added to it as long as the enemy isn't on the ground.
Of course, the 'Gravity' value resets to 0 when the enemy is on the ground.
I have a FastLoop to check for when the enemy is in the ground. If so, it will subtract the 'ySpeed' value from the y-Position of the enemy.
I have another Fastloop to check for when the enemy isn't on the ground, and it will add the 'Gravity' to the 'ySpeed' value I mentioned earlier.
The enemy falls fine and accelerates as it falls, but the problem is that my enemy bounces like crazy when it's on the floor because it's trying to land but it's getting stuck.
I'm not sure what to do and I've researched for hours.
Again, help is appreciated