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No, the trigger event should still be there. I just don't want to use obj overlap but obj collision with another obj instead. I have read that obj overlap should be avoided so I am trying to find an effective way to replace it.
Only thing I have come up with is in the example. If you can't download it:
I created 1 collision box in front of TV and 3 collision boxes around the first collision box and 1 counter
If Player collides with first collision box , count is set to 1
If collides with any of the second boxes, counter is set to 0
If counter = 1 and press "space", tv turns on.
It somewhat works but I have to create a lot of extra collision boxes to know when the player is not near the object he can interact with.
I can't see there being an issue with putting if pressed space at the top of the event then if overlapping. That way the event is ignored until the player presses space. Placing the over lap at the top will always trigger and test for space therefore waste resources. You could also add to the bottom only run once when loops. As even the briefest press of space would run the event multiple times.
Ok so the events would be: Upon pressing "Space" and if player is overlapping the box then toggle internal flag 0 if internal flag 0 is on then TV animation = on if internal flag 0 is off then TV animation = off
this looks really nice and simple to use but I am not sure if this doesn't take a lot of memory. Do the memory problems only occur if it is checking for overlapping every single frame? You said in this case it only checks for overlapping upon pressing "Space". So I should be fine?
As I said before only reason I wanted to avoid "Check if overlapping with obj" is because I read here Please login to see this link. that "avoid overlap conditions because they use more memory than straight collision detection". The game has quite a lot of objects you can interact with so I wanted to make sure I tackle this problem early.
I suspect as long as you aren't testing for overlap as a first condition to test you wont see too much of a problem. I also suspect if you turn off fine collision on at least the box detector (but ideally both) you'll see another reduction in resources.
I could see 100's of events that are checking for overlap first being an issue but if you're only triggering these events when the player inputs only a handful would be running
As long as you have upon pressing and not while pressing you shouldn't need to limit the event from running multiple times either and upon pressing only triggers the one time.