Level editor or similar for an adventure game

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  • Hi

    I'm working on an adventure game. In first I wanted start it without level editor . But I understood it's almost impossible without it . I made 'wait' system and 'got to' position and 'start dialogue' ,...

    It's first time that I want make a level editor and I don't know how can I handle it with get common from INI or array and so on.

    For example :

    Hero walk to position 200,300;
    wait 10 second;
    Hero say : " It's a beautiful road "

    How can I get common from INI or similar into the game ? I made all common by events.
    A little example is so useful

    I'm appreciate for any help

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  • First of all for level editor is better to use Arrays instead of ini, and also there is a bunch of examples for level editors here on the forums, try searching for it!

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  • I've seen Datswer so you seem to know your way around. I'm not sure about what you're asking help with.
    You can store strings in an ini or look into making a text array. You can call for the strings then when, for example, moving into an (invisible) hot spot.

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  • Basically, you need a way to pack all that information into a string, formatted in such a way that you can easily retrieve it again. Where you choose to store these strings (array, INI, plain text, etc) is largely irrelevant.

    eg. A tokenized string:
    walk\hero\200\300|wait\10|talk\hero\It's a beautiful road
    Here you would use one of the string parsing/tokenizing extensions to separate your string into multiple substrings (tokens), by splitting them wherever there is a "|" character.
    So the first substring would be "walk\hero\200\300". You'd then separate that substring wherever there is a "\" character. Seeing that the first substring is "walk", you would know that the following three substrings are the character that will walk, and the destination X and Y coordinates.

    eg. XML:
    <walk target='hero' x=200 y=300/><wait delay=10/><talk target='hero'>It's a beautiful road</talk>
    XML would be ideal as it's very human-readable, concise and easy to parse. Unfortunately, it's not much of an option in CF2.5, due to the lack of a decent extension (nothing cross-platform, and even on windows you get issues with missing .dlls etc).

    eg. JSON:
    [{'action':'walk':{'target':'hero', 'destination':{'x':200, 'y':300}}, {'action':'wait':{'delay':10}}, {'action':'talk':{'target':'hero', 'words':'It's a beautiful road'}]
    Support for JSON is a lot better than XML, so that's definitely an option...

    Whichever way you do it, be prepared for things to get very complicated further down the road - for example:

    Branching conversations:
    <multipleChoice><choice id=1 result=1>Hello</choice><choice id=2 result=1>Good morning</choice><choice id=3 result=2>You smell!</choice></multipleChoice>

    Dynamic strings:
    <text>I'm sorry, you can't afford the <item/> - you only have <playerGold/> gold</text>

  • Sorry for up old topic. I found a picture of adventure level editor by Boba Fonts . Please see attached file

    I still don't success to use tokenized string or other ways.
    Would you mind please an example that how can I call a command? like 'walk to position' . Actually I want see connection or call a function to Fusion in INI and so on.

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