Looking at this file you will find out easy and amazing game mechanics you never thought of putting into a chocobreak tutorial, so i present to you a new and improved chocobreak, chocoblitz and no this is not a knock off but teaches some sweet break out style game game mechanics.
I modified the game to say Choco blitz
I also tampered with the highscore background image and main menu image
Such as:
1.A main menu
2.A ball that launches when the space bar is pressed
3.A ball that follows the paddle until launched upon pressing space bar
4.Repositioning the ball to follow the paddle once losing a life after destroying the ball and then making the ball follow the paddle until launched again with the space bar
5.A game over screen with high scores and music
6.A stage with music
see link here, don't worry it's all safe and been scanned
link below here:
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i hope these forums accept uploading to sites like tinyupload.