I'm really curious what your stance are on this since I'm currently facing this question in my game;
I've been play-testing my platform game a lot recently with an Xbox controller and it has become quite evident that my game favors a keyboard at the moment, which isn't too surprising being the main way how I've tested the game thus far.
So while the game makes a lot of use of things like "Hold down <direction> + Attack" to execute a variety of moves it does to an extent start to feel like wasted potential when playing with a controller where there's so many buttons that goes unused. Even the Dash move works in this way.
I could easily put the Dash move on a dedicated button and then implement something else in for Down + Attack(which is currently what executes Dash) like a new attack or something. This would make it feel better when playing with a controller for sure. However that's one more key to keep track of for those who uses a keyboard to play. Adding Dash key would make it 4 keys(excluding directional keys) for the player to keep track of during combat. Then of course I'm not counting pause, inventory, map and skip key, just the essential, commonly pressed ones.
What do you think about balance between keyboard/controllers, do you somehow manage to successfully design it so it works great for both or do you lean towards one of the two? If so which?
How do you go about it both in design and just functionality-wise in Fusion 2.5?