I am new to CTF and after an hour trying can not seem to get any extensions installed.
I have steam developer version ( but all I see in the steam library is just Prog86/Steamapps/common/Clickteam Fusion 2.5) So I guessed the developer version is just sits in there.
I bought Health Bar Shader and got the free Spriter Extension.
For the Health Bar Shader:
I copied the full unzipped folder into the Clickteam Fusion 2.5
I also tried to separate it and added Bar_Effect.xml & Bar_Effect.fx into the Effects folder
but both tries when i try to create a new object i don't see the Health Bar Shader anywhere.
I tried the unzipped Spriter Extension folder in the main directory as well as the Extentions folder.. Although I do not see anything when I try to create a new object.
I just have run out of things to try. any suggestions?
Health Bar Shader