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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
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StringParser2 has wildcard search, though I think the * character only counts as a single character so you'd have to (experiment more to be sure X) and in case..) prepare multiple lines for different situations
See quick example: Please login to see this attachment.
active spins when .?0 or .??0 is detected
Make sure you tick "wildcard search" in search mode when plugging StringParser2 in the frame
Thanks, Schrodinger! I basically knew the option with StringParser2, i just thought that there may be a hidden feature somewhere in expression editor itself But thanks for the tip, i wanna give it a try
The String Parser 2 object is pretty much in every exporter so you can always use that. But if you want to do it without it you can set the string to Str$(Val(string$( "String" ))) This will convert it to a number and then back to string. Keep in mind it will round up the value if it has more than 3 decimals. If you need more decimals i would suggest the String Parser 2 object.