Hi, I'm making an RPG with controls where you have W and S to walk forward and backward, and A and D to turn your character (this makes it possible for the character to have more than 8 directions, as opposed to WASD for up left down right). To achieve this I'm using the bouncing ball movement for my player objects (I've got 2 player objects because I needed one for forward movement and an other one for backward movement, couldn't find an other way).
The problem with the bouncing ball movement though is that unlike for custom movements, I don't know how to achieve pixel perfect collision detection.
As you can see in the video, when my character walks into an obstacle (purple) it goes in too far. I would like the character to stop as soon as a collision detector (red) touches or overlaps an obstacle. Increasing the speed of the bouncing ball object makes it worse.
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Furthermore you can also see how one of the collision detectors (blue) that it set to follow the player kind of lags behind the player. In this case it's not much of a problem but sometimes the red one lags behind too, making the character walk into obstacles even farther.
Any solutions or other ways of doing this would be greatly appreciated.
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