Hi everyone,
For those of you who don't remember, I released a small game back in 2013 and have been selling it on Desura and later itch.io. Anyway, I was approached by a small publisher to put my game up on Steam. They wanted me to do some small updates, Steam cards, achievements, that kind of thing. However, when I went to compile my game again the enemies stopped being animated. It seems the trick I used to create the detectors isn't working in the new version of Fusion 2.5.
Basically, I use a fast loop to save the current animation and frame, quickly change the animation to the "detector" animation, test for collisions, then change the animation back, force the correct frame and start the animation again. I'm using "Generic Group 6" as a group for anything that has gravity and needs to colide with platformes. I took a few screen shots so you can see the code.
I know this worked at one time because I kept all my work files form the project, and it works in the old build. I tried to downgrade my version of Fusion 2.5 but the Steam version doesn't seem to offer that feature If anyone has a solution I would really appreciate it. Is there a way to go back to previous builds? That wold probably be the simplest, otherwise if you know how to re-implement this techneque in the current version that would be helpful also.
I'm currently on build R290.4
Anyway, here is a composite screenshot of the code, so people can take a look.
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