Does mac version of CF2.5 (and exporters) cost extra?

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Greetings!

    So right now I own PC-version of CF2.5 dev and exporters for iOS and Android.
    If I want the installers for my iMac will that cost extra? if so how much? Should I wait
    for CF3 and buy the mac version of that then instead?


  • I sometimes use a wine wrapper for Fusion 2.5 to run as a Windows application natively on Mac OSX El Capitan. Should work on other versions too. Also, if you have a PC app, you can also try wrapping it in Wine Bottler and see if it will install on Intel CPU based x86 computers. Please note, this is by no means PERFECT at all, as there will be weird bugs here and there, and you will encounter some extensions that may not work as desired. But it can help for many or most PC games that do not use a ton of visual effects.

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  • If you have them from the clickstore, all you'd need is the mac version. Contact clickteam because there is some sort of discount for upgrading or something, I don't remember the details

  • @Please login to see this link. If I remember correctly:

    $60 if you do not already own the Mac Exporter
    $10 if you do already own the Mac Exporter

    Also, all the other exporters are the same on Windows and Mac, you do not need to pay extra.

    You can request the discounted Mac version at the Please login to see this link. page.

    EDIT by Clickteam: Please use the Upgrade Request page to obtain the price for your upgrade where you live, the prices listed above may be subject to change and regional variations.

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    Edited 2 times, last by Simon (May 20, 2018 at 6:10 AM).

  • I did send a request using the upgrade request page a day or two after I started this thread but theres has been no response. Never mind I'll wait and see what F3 brings before spending any money.

  • Yep. They make you pay again even though it's just running in a WINE wrapper... And yeah, I'm still waiting for a response to my upgrade request as well. I only even use Fusion for legacy stuff (editing my old games etc.) now anyway, been with Unity since 2014. But yeah, for legacy purposes I am waiting for them to eventually bother to reply to my request to pay them for a WINE-wrapper. Pretty disgusted to be honest. Close to asking for the removal of the AVGN screenshot from their marketing cause I don't wanna be associated with this bull.

  • [MENTION=7425]DistantJ[/MENTION] It isn't just a wine wrapper version of Fusion, it also includes the Mac exporter (obviously required to make Mac apps) and so this is what we mainly charge for, plus the months of development time it took Yves to get it working and stable on OSX.

    As for your upgrade I have emailed you instructions twice now I believe...

  • Not received an e-mail at any point. Not in junk folder either. Why would you have sent it twice anyway?

    Mac exporter still doesn't support the Steam extension does it? If not I'm not interested in the exporter anyways :P

  • [MENTION=7425]DistantJ[/MENTION] what are you waiting for at the moment? I sent an upgrade code twice now to the email address on your account here (it's a gmail one)... I can confirm our email systems are all working and have been without any issues for months at this point.

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