So, I was fascinated by one of the widgets I found here years ago. I took it on myself to update Please login to see this link. Zelda Scrolling Widget. I hope he doesn't mind me doing this.
- Here's the original topic for the reference.
Please login to see this link.
WARNING - Topic is a little over 10 years old.
Updates to this widget include:
- Added support for Virtual Width, & Virtual Height condition checks.
- Removed 'isscrolling' variable. I felt this variable was completely unnecessary, and can achieve the very same effect by checking the Xscroll, and Yscroll variables instead
- Removed the player object, and made the scroll widget be the player instead. The user may add back an alternate player object, but I felt including one in this widget was not needed for this.
- Updated the graphic image of the scrolling widget.
Everything else should be pretty much the same as Nick's original scroll widget. It's a very nice one indeed