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An asynchronous HTTP/HTTPS querying object, for downloading, uploading and querying pages and files, and also suitable for REST APIs.
- Queries have custom names and can be referred to by name start or full name
- Multiple user-named queries at once
- Download/upload happens in background, your app runs at the same speed
- Use GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc, all HTTP/HTTPS types, suitable for any REST APIs.
- Upload POST data, text, file, etc.
- Download text and read as string expression, or download to file, or even access from memory.
- Read query statistics as transfers are on-going (bytes up/down, percentage up/down, query count)
- Cancel ongoing queries
- Reported from one user to have 800+ new queries per second possible, compared to 20 from Get Object. No transfer limits are imposed by the extension; just what the OS can handle.
Compatible with:
- MMF2 with Unicode (Standard or Developer)
- CF2.5 (Standard or Developer)
- Currently Windows only.
- [Android expected in future. iOS also possible]
Comes with example file. Updates and new exporter ports will be free to existing customers.
Purchase Please login to see this link., currently at $5.