Hi there, not sure if anyone can help, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I've made an application in Fusion 2.5 which works and manipulates an Adobe After Effects project. It works great so far.
I also need to create a custom .bat file to accompany this process and simplify the process further, but I want Fusion 2.5 to create the .bat file itself and I'm wondering how I can achieve this?
So far I have the script (which works perfectly in Command Prompt or as a standard, non-Fusion generated .bat file written in Notepad) written out in both a Rich Edit Object and Edit Box, with the intent of saving to a specific location and renaming the .txt extension to a .bat extension within Fusion. But the generated .bat file, while it contains the script, doesn't run - it pops up on-screen super briefly before disappearing again.
I've also tried using the File Object to create a custom extension and then assign the contents of either the REO or Edit Box to it before running, but this leaves me with an empty .bat file.
If anyone has any thoughts on this and can help I would be super grateful