Delete characters off a string?

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Since actual edit boxes don't scale very well to fullscreen, I'm exploring ways to turn a normal string into a kind of edit box. Is there a way to remove the last character of a string once the player presses the backspace button?

    So, for instance, if a string said "Clickteam" and the player hit the backspace key once, it would then say "Clicktea"

  • I dont know how you do this but a way would be to have a edit box off frame and a string object. Then always set the string to the text in edit box.

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  • Hi,

    This functionality is in the expression editor:
    Left$( "ClickTeam", Len( "ClickTeam" )-1)

    or You can use String Parser (if You need more options)
    on Parser Object Set source string
    and on your text object use a substring

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    please help - just give me a feedback

  • You can bring it into focus with an event, so even if it's not visible it's "selected."

    ->Bring edit box into focus.

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  • What I've done is when a text box is selected, the text cursor is always brought to the end of the edit box. This way at least you can backspace and type new stuff and not be typing from a weird position. The only limitation I've found is the inability to create a typing cursor. I'll probably be switching to a monospace font like Courier New just so I can sneak a cursor in.

  • What I've done is when a text box is selected, the text cursor is always brought to the end of the edit box. This way at least you can backspace and type new stuff and not be typing from a weird position. The only limitation I've found is the inability to create a typing cursor. I'll probably be switching to a monospace font like Courier New just so I can sneak a cursor in.

    How do I set the text cursor to the end?

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