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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Hi all, i would like to show you the progress of the development of the video game of Kitty Quest for PC. This is a first gameplay test. It is an adventure game that mixes platforms, puzzles, sword fighting ... I hope you like it
Holy hell! :O This is some Abe's Oddysee level cgi cutscenes and gameplay mixing The animation quality is legit like from some professional animated movie.
digitalmind, this looks great! i am also working on some 3D modeling to use for a project i have had in my head the last 2 years. A few questions if you don't mind
When it comes to your backdrops, how do you go about adding them in? Do you use the general tile rule in multiples of 2, or do you render out big scenes and drop them in the game? Or maybe a combination of both? I would think doing tiles would be extremely tedious and troublesome, at least for me lol. And the 2nd is how are you rendering out your cutscenes? Are they imported as actives or are you using something else to get them to play?
digitalmind, this looks great! i am also working on some 3D modeling to use for a project i have had in my head the last 2 years. A few questions if you don't mind
When it comes to your backdrops, how do you go about adding them in? Do you use the general tile rule in multiples of 2, or do you render out big scenes and drop them in the game? Or maybe a combination of both? I would think doing tiles would be extremely tedious and troublesome, at least for me lol. And the 2nd is how are you rendering out your cutscenes? Are they imported as actives or are you using something else to get them to play?
Keep up the great work!
We first create the entire scene in 3D, then we divided the scene into sprites that we imported as Actives. There are unique sprites for some areas and other generic ones that are cloned throughout the scene. We do not follow any rule, we simply create the level as we like it artistically and then we add custom collisions as backdrops. It is important to optimize well the sprites, especially the animated ones to avoid problems with the memory.
We first create the entire scene in 3D, then we divided the scene into sprites that we imported as Actives. There are unique sprites for some areas and other generic ones that are cloned throughout the scene. We do not follow any rule, we simply create the level as we like it artistically and then we add custom collisions as backdrops. It is important to optimize well the sprites, especially the animated ones to avoid problems with the memory.
Sounds just up my alley lol. Thanks! And good work with the game again, it looks fantastic!!
Woah! I would love to see some making of material / video about the creation of this game When you've got something special on your hands you might wanna share some insight into its creation.
Btw, is this the first game you have created, or do you already have some games in a store?
Woah! I would love to see some making of material / video about the creation of this game When you've got something special on your hands you might wanna share some insight into its creation.
Btw, is this the first game you have created, or do you already have some games in a store?
Thanks!, Later we will be publishing material and techniques on the creation of the videogame. You can download and play "Kitty Quest" Android game (is free), although it is completely different and limited. We created it to test the engine and obviously we opted for Fusion since then.