Hi, as the title says, I'm attempting to add 3D background functionality into a top-down 2D shmup engine that I'm making (similar to Please login to see this link. 3D backgrounds.)
I've tried using the parallaxer object, but it's too limited.
I've tried using the perspective object, but it's too finicky and drags the framerate down too much.
I've tried using OpenGL, and I successfully managed to create the sort of background that I want, but it appears on top of everything. I've read in a short OpenGL thread that there's supposed to be a 'Display above Frame' option that I can uncheck to fix this, but I can't find that option anywhere. Maybe it got removed? Anyways, OpenGL seems like the most likely way to get this to work properly.
I've played around a little with the 3D mesh object, and it seems like it potentially could work, but limited camera controls make it hard to have the control that I need, and I'm worried that it might make the framerate too slow. Plus it's only one model, rather than rendering a full scene, which would make it hard to work with.
I've looked into Mode 7, and I don't think it's capable of what I need. I haven't actually tried to use it, though, so maybe it can. I doubt it, though.
P3D and Firefly would definitely work, but I can't really afford to buy anything at the moment, so they're not an option.
So, with all of that explained, does anybody have any idea of how I can make a 3D background? Are there ways to work around the limitations of any of these extensions I've talked about? Does another way of making 3D backgrounds in CF2.5 exist that I have completely missed?