Ah I see - Thanks for clarifying [MENTION=6]Kisguri[/MENTION] !
I am looking forward to check it out.
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Open a TicketAh I see - Thanks for clarifying [MENTION=6]Kisguri[/MENTION] !
I am looking forward to check it out.
My dude, I hope to see a shader shop of yours in the future:)
+1, mihalish shaders are great.
[MENTION=6]Kisguri[/MENTION] Just to clarify, when you say Event Editor, you are including the Event List Editor as well? I want to make absolutely sure that my workflow with the profiler will work in the ELE. Same with the Global Event editor?
[MENTION=7170]mobichan[/MENTION] Indeed the Profiler, using the show me event line feature will work for Global Events, Events and Behaviors. It uses the latest type of editor that was opened so it will point you to the event in any of the Event style editors, should they be open.
Thank you sir. I am truly excited now. Will the Global event editor allow the ELE?
Reg. For what are you referencing "ELE"
Sorry ... Event List Editor.
1. From the forth coming help doc
Thanks for the information and good community comms. Are the Windows runtime improvements limited to the new checklist options such as 'Optimize Events' and 'Optimize Image Size In RAM', or does Fusion 2.5+ perform better/faster that 2.5 in general? Forgive my ignorance if the performance improvement comes naturally with DX11.
Thanks for the information and good community comms. Are the Windows runtime improvements limited to the new checklist options such as 'Optimize Events' and 'Optimize Image Size In RAM', or does Fusion 2.5+ perform better/faster that 2.5 in general? Forgive my ignorance if the performance improvement comes naturally with DX11.
Beyond the new options, there are changes to several core functions that do indeed improve performance. Note: you will see a difference if you use those features, which is usually the case, at least for big apps.
[MENTION=6]Kisguri[/MENTION] thank you for responding to our questions
Can you tell me whether or not the "overlap delay" has been changed, or if it is identical as 2.5? The delay being any second object that is moved does not have its collision mask updated until next frame. The current workaround for precise collisions between moving objects requires either math to calculate the collision (only works for boxes) or to constantly create and destroy a "collision object" at the second object in order to get a correct collision.
If it has not been changed, would you please mention it to the dev staff going into fusion 3? Perhaps a manual call to "update collision masks" or similar
[MENTION=14381]casleziro[/MENTION] Not related to the question's answer, but have you considered having invisible hitbox actives at 0,0, moving the first object in relation to the second* and checking against that instead? I started wondering of other workarounds when you have listed yours. I have not tested this yet, but in theory it should work.
* By "Moving the first object in relation to the second" I mean:
Quote- Condition preparing for collision check
-> Set Position X of (FirstObject) to X("FirstObject") - X("SecondObject")
-> Set Position Y of (FirstObject) to Y("FirstObject") - Y("SecondObject")
then... in another event:
Quote- Is "FirstObject" overlapping "Second Object's Collision Mask"
-> Your actions
Quote- Condition after collision check
- > Setting FirstObject's position back to original here
This makes use of the fact that collision masks don't move, therefore, you move the first object in relation to how the collision would actually happen.
In another similar solution, you could save the position at start of event loop, then when you want to overlap, you move the first object negative of what the second object moved with this expression:
QuoteX("FirstObject") + OldX("SecondObject") - X("SecondObject")
Same for Y. This solution has the advantage of not using an additional object as the collision mask.
I do not want to derail this thread that is about 2.5+. So perhaps a new thread should be opened up if this is going to be discussed further.
EDIT, I was wrong, tested this and made a thread about it [MENTION=14816]BartekB[/MENTION] Please login to see this link.
thanks for the help!
Hi there. the 2.5+ beta test has not started yet?
It should be today
I am ready for massive testing..
So, does 2.5+ have an impact on all runtimes? :o
In a effort to make sure initial testing goes off without to many hitches, we wanted to make sure all known issues are quashed. The programming team has decided to push back to Tuesday for the initial beta group.
ok.. waiting till tuesday
My dude, I hope to see a shader shop of yours in the future:)
Moreover please add the possibility to flip a sprite (Active Object) through a negative scale value.
I need this upgrade like I need coffee in the morning.
Very very much.
Is it possible we'll get control over VSync back buffers in the event editor? This is something I'd love to let users control from my options menu, as opposed to just VSync on/off.
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