Android Exp Error Message

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hello!

    I installed Android Exp from you as descriped at Please login to see this link. and tried to make empty app with different APIs (27 and 28) and JDKs without success. You can find a screen shot from android checker, Android SDK Manager and the Error-Logfile. Could be a probleme with ant but had no time to do a deeper investigation. How to solve the problem with Android Exp?

    Regards, Herbert

    Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.

    Buildfile: C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\build.xml



    [checkenv] Android SDK Tools Revision 25.2.5
    [checkenv] Installed at C:\android-sdk-windows

    [echo] Project Name: RuntimeAndroid
    [gettype] Project Type: Application




    [getbuildtools] Using latest Build Tools: 28.0.3
    [echo] Resolving Build Target for RuntimeAndroid...
    [gettarget] Project Target: Android 9
    [gettarget] API level: 28
    [echo] ----------
    [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\bin
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\bin\res
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\bin\rsObj
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\bin\rsLibs
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\gen
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\bin\classes
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\bin\dexedLibs
    [echo] ----------
    [echo] Resolving Dependencies for RuntimeAndroid...
    [dependency] Library dependencies:
    [dependency] No Libraries
    [dependency] ------------------
    [echo] ----------
    [echo] Building Libraries with 'debug'...
    [subant] No sub-builds to iterate on

    [mergemanifest] Merging AndroidManifest files into one.
    [mergemanifest] Manifest merger disabled. Using project manifest only.
    [echo] Handling aidl files...
    [aidl] No AIDL files to compile.
    [echo] ----------
    [echo] Handling RenderScript files...
    [echo] ----------
    [echo] Handling Resources...
    [aapt] Generating resource IDs...
    [echo] ----------
    [echo] Handling BuildConfig class...
    [buildconfig] Generating BuildConfig class.


    [javac] Compiling 334 source files to C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\bin\classes
    [javac] warning: [options] source value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
    [javac] warning: [options] target value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
    [javac] warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: package org.apache.http does not exist
    [javac] import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: package org.apache.http does not exist
    [javac] import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: package org.apache.http.client.entity does not exist
    [javac] import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity;
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: package org.apache.http.client.methods does not exist
    [javac] import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: package org.apache.http.impl.client does not exist
    [javac] import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
    [javac] ^
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] import org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParams;
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: class HttpProtocolParams
    [javac] location: package org.apache.http.params
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] ArrayList <NameValuePair> postData = new ArrayList <NameValuePair> ();
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: class NameValuePair
    [javac] location: class CrashReporter
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] ArrayList <NameValuePair> postData = new ArrayList <NameValuePair> ();
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: class NameValuePair
    [javac] location: class CrashReporter
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] postData.add(new NameValuePair()
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: class NameValuePair
    [javac] location: class CrashReporter
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] HttpPost post = new HttpPost ("Please login to see this link.");
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: class HttpPost
    [javac] location: class CrashReporter
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] HttpPost post = new HttpPost ("Please login to see this link.");
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: class HttpPost
    [javac] location: class CrashReporter
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] { post.setEntity (new UrlEncodedFormEntity (postData));
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: class UrlEncodedFormEntity
    [javac] location: class CrashReporter
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: class DefaultHttpClient
    [javac] location: class CrashReporter
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: class DefaultHttpClient
    [javac] location: class CrashReporter
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue (params, false);
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: variable HttpProtocolParams
    [javac] location: class CrashReporter
    [javac] C:\Users\KDGOH\AppData\Local\Temp\And4E78.tmp\src\Runtime\ error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] HttpResponse response;
    [javac] ^
    [javac] symbol: class HttpResponse
    [javac] location: class CrashReporter
    [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    [javac] 16 errors
    [javac] 3 warnings

    C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\ant\build.xml:716: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\ant\build.xml:730: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    Total time: 4 seconds

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