Build 292.8 - Beta version

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hello,

    The build 292.8 is available as beta version in the Product Owners Lounge forum if you use the stand-alone version (and on Steam if you susbcribed to betas).

    Please login to see this link.

    This is a beta, make backup copies of the .MFA files you edit with this version, as usual.

    Specific things to watch in this version:

    - Android: some changes have been made to fix a crash in the graphic engine on Android Pie, let us know if this has any side effect in your apps (especially when it closes, goes to background, and/or is restored).
    - Android (Developer version only): a new build type allows you to generate .aab files. When you upload a .aab file on Google Play, Google will generate the .apk files that are optimized for the user's device (for example I guess it won't include 32-bit code for 64-bit devices). Please login to see this link.
    - 2.5+ DLC / App properties: you'll see a new "Build cache" property in the Optimizations properties. When this option is selected, Fusions saves parts of built apps into a cache so that the next builds are faster. Note 1: the cache is clearer when you close the app. Note 2: this will increase the disk space used by your app in the Windows temp folder. This should save build time for apps that are often built, like Android, iOS or Mac apps. Note: this option has no effect for HTML5 or UWP apps yet.

    In case of problem you can reinstall any other version (no need to uninstall first, just reinstall the patch of the build you want to reinstall).

    PS: the CF 2.5 patch updates all the installed exporters, as well as the 2.5+ DLC, you do not need to reinstall them.


    Edited once, last by Yves (June 21, 2019 at 9:37 AM).

  • Quote

    Build 292.6 - Change log

    - Event List editor: crash when you drop an object icon to the last "New condition" line.

    I am really, really glad that I read this line back when 292.6 was released, because until then, I never knew that you could drag an object icon onto a condition/action line to make a new condition/action. (I knew you could drag an icon onto another icon to swap it, but not that you could bring up the drop-down menu for any object by dragging it to a condition/action line). It's a terrific little time-saver, and I'm doing it all the time now!

    It does however make me wish even more for a feature that I've wanted for years: please let us drag an icon from the workspace toolbar onto the ELE in the same fashion (onto icons, actions, or conditions.....maybe even onto the expression editor, though I'm probably reaching too far here).

    Now that it's much easier to organise the workspace toolbar (because of the multiple drag-n-drop in the Frame Editor that was introduced recently), it's easy to have all your most important objects easily reachable on the workspace toolbar. So it would be more useful than ever to be able to drag them from there onto the Event Editors. In fact, it could actually make it feasible that even in a huge project, 90% of the time you need an object, it's available to see, grab and use immediately, without you needing to scroll endlessly across the Event Editor or search through hundreds of objects in the new condition or new action boxes.

    Please login to see this link.
    My Fusion Tools: Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link.

  • - Deleted previous post -

    I only noticed this after installing the beta - but it's on every one of my backups too, so this error occurred prior to this beta. There's an area of the screen that is frozen - all the objects in that area are un-selectable - and if I create any object in that area it will automatically be frozen to. I can't unlock it - I can't click it, I can't select it, I can't delete it.Please login to see this attachment.

    Area marked green.

    Issue exists across 15 frames - but at some point all 15 frames were copied from 1 - so it probably happened on that frame. That area is not a problem on other frames I have in the game - just those 15.

    Edit: I can click all my objects except those in the green block - but every single new object I create - anywhere on the frame is frozen & any object I create on a different frame and copy & paste into that frame is similarly frozen.

    Further: Went back to 292.7 - the problem was still there.
    Went back on my backups - every backup after I copied the frame has that error in.
    The backup directly before I copied the frames doesn't have that error in.
    All of these backups are on 292.6 - and since I don't have 2.5+ I assume that in my case that would be identical to 292.7

    Casual games: Please login to see this link.

    Edited 3 times, last by Janette5 (May 28, 2019 at 5:18 PM).

  • I deleted everything out of this .mfa - and just left the "errors" in it. The errors are in layer 1. Any object you create in layer 1 will get stuck - and the objects that are stuck are on layer 1. The objects on the other layers are not stuck and you can create a new object there.

    Despite deleting everything the file remained over 1mb in size - download here: Please login to see this link.

    I could find a backup far enough back without this issue - and re-copied the frames and the error hasn't so far happened again.

    Casual games: Please login to see this link.

  • I took a peek at your .mfa file @Please login to see this link.

    The objects are frozen because Layer 1 has been locked at some point. You can unlock it again if you click on the Lock icon at the Layer list to the right. However the green background object "Solid Colour 6" has been locked on the object level as well so you've got to click on "Arrange" > "Unlock All" to make that particular one accessible again.

    @Please login to see this link. - I realize that the "Feature Wish-list" is roughly 10 000 km long by now but is there any chance we could have a String object that can store its own local Alterable Values/Strings and Flags like some other Fusion objects can? It'd be super handy when dealing with a lot of data with multiple String objects.

    Please login to see this link. Please login to see this link.
    Freelance Dev | Currently Working on Jarvis | Please login to see this link.

  • Using layers with the layer selection lock on by any chance?

    Andy H @ Please login to see this link. - Please login to see this link.
    Retro Gaming @ Please login to see this link.

  • Thanks chrilley, AndyH - I didn't even know the layers could lock - so never thought to check that (and only saw that it was only 1 layer with the issue when I saw that on the backup - before that I hadn't even noticed it was just a single layer - I thought it was all of them.)

    Casual games: Please login to see this link.

  • @Please login to see this link. - I realize that the "Feature Wish-list" is roughly 10 000 km long by now but is there any chance we could have a String object that can store its own local Alterable Values/Strings and Flags like some other Fusion objects can? It'd be super handy when dealing with a lot of data with multiple String objects.

    It's already on the list. I think this was never added to avoid confusions between the "Alterable string" of the String object and the "Alterable Strings", I imagine this can be very disturbing for new users. Maybe we could add an option that you can activate if you want alterable values & strings for String objects (this would include counters too). Not 200% sure if this can be easily done as it's internal objects, but I'll check.

  • I see! I hope there is an implementation solution that works well enough for both worlds. I personally wouldn't mind flipping a switch to activate it. It's definitely much more practical than working around it, in my opinion.

    Please login to see this link. Please login to see this link.
    Freelance Dev | Currently Working on Jarvis | Please login to see this link.

  • Sorry, I know this isn't the right place to request things, but... my project is well into 20,000+ event line territory. The line numbers in the Event List Editor are actually longer than the column they inhabit. Can we either get an option to resize the column or have the column automatically resize to account for the number length?

    Please login to see this link.

  • I hope the performance issues with the Surface object I reported here Please login to see this link. are fixed eventually. Surface is a useful object not only for games, but also for GUI tools, and getting it to perform fast like it did back in MMF2 would be great.

  • So far with this version, usoing the bundle package for my android game, i got two bad comments saying they can't play the game because they see a white screen since the last update.

    can you see what devices this message comes from, and post the link of your game again for me to test here


    Fernando Vivolo

    ... new things are coming ...

  • can you see what devices this message comes from, and post the link of your game again for me to test here

    I see good comments from people running Android 4.4 so i Don't think it's because of that version of Android. I still get complains from people running android 9 because of the drop of framerate…

    Link to my app: Please login to see this link.

    And here's the crashes i get now:

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