I'm trying to remake my app from between Andoid and PC and I found multiple thinks working in different way on this platforms.
I suppose it should be easy to make cross-platform project and only change compilation method but it is impossible.
1. Resolution:
Android: auto fit to screen
Windows: Resize display to fit window size must be checked
2. Physics
Bouncing ball movement - decceleration = 0
Android - Decceleration auto change to 1, 0 is unsupported
Windows - 0 is 0
it make a really huge difference and it is realy hard to trace. Probalby other values make the same issue with 0
3. Event order
I'm loading multiple values in one of first lines
In next line, I make an operation on this loaded data
Android - load all values, and after that do next line
Windows - load one value, do job from next event, load second value
The difference probably is: in Android I used QuickSave and it work synhronous, but on Windows I used asynhronous Steamwork
4. Object values (not solved yet)
I've got an object with a value A = 5.
Object is not created on start of frame.
I create this object on demand.
Android - After create, object value A is 5, so newly created object keep parameters from design
Windows - After create, object value A is 0, so newly created object miss all default values from design view
5. Buttons (not solved yet)
Android - looks good, but I had some problems with tap event (solved by Fernando)
Windows - graphics looks ****ty ;] Graphic are totally broken and I'm unable to describe that, each graphic are broken in different way