Hello fellow clickers! I'm getting closer and closer to an alpha test release of a game I've been working on for quite a while and I wanted to show some gameplay and get some feedback / see what people think.
I actually started making this game a (very) long time ago in click & create, then tried again in the first (yes, first) multimedia fusion by IMSI (remember that!?) but never got that far due to the limitations in those programs.
Even now in Fusion 2.5 it has proved to be huge challenge but things are finally slowly starting to fall into place, even though there is a lot of work left.
It's a space shoot em up and rpg adventure hybrid, set in a procedurally generated universe where the player creates their own character, then plays through an adventure in a unique randomly generated world.
The idea is that the world will be different every time you play, thus hopefully giving the game some replayability even though the main quest stays the same.
It's mostly pew-pew action, but with a story, random missions, trading, exploration and different ships and equipment.
Here's a video of some various gameplay: Please login to see this link.
(Of course a lot of things are still missing and not working correctly)
I hope to release an alpha version for testing later this summer and would very much appreciate some help with testing if anyone is interested.