4K Monitor Resolution problems

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  • Looking for some help with 4K Monitor resolutions.

    This is for developing on multiple monitors or when using 4k. im using two 1080 screens and one 4K screen.

    Recently started using a 4k monitor wanting to view more of my game as i build it. So far its been a real pain. issues im facing are as follows
    Text not lining up in object properties.
    Cant find a way to resize text larger like you can resize icons.

    Event editor can scale but nothing else scales, resultingi n large event editor and tiny text on everything else.

    What was meant to increase my production has only led to many hrs spent on forum and trying different settings.

    Windows scale on 4k is set to 150% this does not hep in the fusion app.

    Im about ready to give up on 4K altogether and reset clickteams settings to default and go back to using just 1080 . If only i could find the setting for that. I a little Frustrated by outdated or lack of help info in the programs own help files. searching 4k resolution just brings up hundreds of threads about game resolution on output devices not any thing i can find on using 4k screens .

    Can some one please help me locate the programs reset defaults setting or tell me what ini file need to trash or edit replace, sings a song to or do a special dance and spin round three times.

    This is last resort posting here after many hours spent trying to fix it myself.. thanks if any one can help ..

  • More testing with multiple monitors.

    Spent another hour on this.

    Testing on another machine with only one 1080 monitor and there are no issues with text size or misalignment of text being overlapped by window edges.

    Seems like if you have Two or more monitors of different resolutions. Fusion can not handle it. Both monitors have misaligned text or parts of the interface overlapping the text, at resolution 4k and at HD 1080.
    Im starting to think this relates to other issues with Direct X 11 and Fusion is just not ready to handle 4K yet. I disconnected 1080 monitor to test only on 4K and still get overlapping of interface on the text.
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    There is also some other funky stuff happening. If you run two instances of fusion one on each screen and right click in event editor to edit something, the expression edit box shows on one screen. then if you click on expression editor on second instance of fusion on second screen, the expression editor shows on the first screen over the top of the first expression editor. So i guess its not recording its position correctly for each instance of Fusion. ( This is just to drive me insane im sure. So im not too worried about that. All i wish to do is use Fusion on a higher resolution than 1080 while i develop. )
    Im totally up to date with all windows updates, graphic drivers and with Fusion Developer and Plus DLC running 292.10. I have no issues with any other programs on windows using multiple monitors and mixed resolutions.

    Iv tested an app recently for some one else on forum also and had weird things happen on 4K. So i think this issue is more than just using the editor and is possibly effecting use of apps created with Fusion being used on 4K also.

    Trying to provide as much detail here as i can. As request for help or seeing if others have issues on discord got no replies.

    Maybe because ive used 4k and 1080 Fusion is still stuffed even after i disconnect the 1080.

    I have no idea how to reset Fusion back to its defaults. ( thinking i might have to to a clean install and start form scratch and just forget about 4K until i hear different or an issue is identified and fixed. )

  • to reset defaults, hold shift-ctrl while opening Fusion.


    There is also some other funky stuff happening. If you run two instances of fusion ....

    Maybe it's just me, but I would never expect to be able to run two instances of Fusion (or most programs for that matter) and not have problems. Surely it wasn't intended to be used in multiple instances (especially since it lets you have multiple MFAs open at once in a single instance)


    Seems like if you have Two or more monitors of different resolutions. Fusion can not handle it. Both monitors have misaligned text or parts of the interface overlapping the text, at resolution 4k and at HD 1080.

    No, your problem seems more specific than that. I use 3 monitors without any problems: 1440x900 (portrait), 2560x1440, 1080x1920 (portrait). But my main monitor (2560x1440) is large and not very pixel-dense, so I haven't needed to try scaling or anything like that (I chose it to be able to fit more stuff in rather than to make things look more smooth).

    See if dropping down from 4k to something like 2560x1440 improves things - you probably don't need to go all the way down to 1080p.

    One more thing: how are you spreading the different Fusion windows across these monitors? You aren't trying to drag the main window across more than one screen, are you? In my experience, that method rarely works well, not just in Fusion but in many other programs. In my opinion, it's not a good use of a multi-monitor setup anyway. It inevitably leads to things being split in half, and can lead to neck strain as you're no longer looking straight ahead most of the time. I find that maximising your main window on the centre monitor while compartmentalising different panels/windows on the side screens offers the most usable workflow, personally. This way you have one giant uninterrupted view of your main window for maximum focus, but you also have large versions of all the other panels and windows available and visible on the sides, so you don't waste time rearranging things or opening/closing things. Incidentally, if you have a macro-enabled keyboard, make macro hotkeys that move your active window to the left or right monitor with a single keypress - I did that earlier this year and I love it.

    This is how I have my 3 monitors set up in Fusion

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    My Fusion Tools: Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link.

  • Thanks for the reply Volnaiskra . I had a feeling if any one could help it would be you. very much appreciate your time.

    I tried shift-ctrl when starting fusion and it still has the overlaps in the properties tabs.

    to reset defaults, hold shift-ctrl while opening Fusion.

    Maybe it's just me, but I would never expect to be able to run two instances of FusionPlease login to see this picture.

    im not expecting to do this either really only did it once today when i was testing out all different stuff on multiple monitors. .


    how are you spreading the different Fusion windows across these monitors? You aren't trying to drag the main window across more than one screen, are you?

    No I haven't tried to spread fusion across multiple monitors. I was running Fusion on my center monitor only at 4K. Have not moved dragged any of the menus beyond my main 4k screen. My two side monitors run 1080. I use them for watching tutorial vids and reading forums ect. While i work on Fusion on my center screen.

    I dropped my 4k down to 2560x1440 and started with ctrl-shift windows prompted to let Fusion make changes i excepted and it still has the overlap on properties tabs ..
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    This sort of thing will keep me awake lol.

    Think ill do a clean install of fusion and see what happens.

    After seeing how you run your screens i might flip a 1080 to portrait and try moving some of the panels to the sides.

    I used multiple monitors for last 10 years, going up in resolution as i have gone up in graphic card size. 1060 6gig asus nvidea rog strix shifting the pixels about now. .

    Thanks again for the reply

  • Quote

    it still has the overlap on properties tabs ..

    We can probably fix this, I'll add it to the wish list for the build 292.11 or 12.


    i guess its not recording its position correctly for each instance of Fusion.

    Actually it records screen positions, not relative positions. Changing this is in the todo list, it bothers me too.


    I would never expect to be able to run two instances of Fusion (or most programs for that matter) and not have problems.

    In theory this should work fine, except for the issue mentioned above.

  • just found the issue. It was text scaling in windows settings. If text is set to any thing other than 100% it creates overlaps in the interface on properties tabs.
    At 4k with text 100% it works but text is so tiny in fusion like this. I cant use it like that ..
    When at 2560x1440 its still tiny text.
    Unless there is a way to increase text size from within fusion itself or the text scaling gets changed to work with windows i think im out of luck.

    just seen your post after i was typing out mine. Thanks for looking at it Yves ill wait and see what you come up with.

  • For the Fusion executable, if you right click on it and select properties>compatibility>Change high DPI settings you can change Fusion's scaling behavior. On my system, I have the "High DPI scaling override" option unchecked which causes Fusion to use the Windows scaling setting. Unfortunately while this configuration does cause Fusion's UI to be correctly scaled up, it also makes it look slightly blurry, but it is the only DPI scaling configuration that works correctly for me. I believe that Fusion was not designed for high DPI displays, and that's the cause of these issues.

  • For anyone who comes across this, here's what I did. I'm running 1440 but it should work on 4k as well.

    Assuming you have the text percentages cranked up in windows to like 125 or 150% (to help with reading tiny print), you'll notice the text in Fusion is blurry. Here's the fix.

    Right-click on Fusion shortcut. If you're doing it from the Start Menu you have to select MORE > OPEN FILE LOCATION and THEN right-click on the Fusion shortcut.

    Select Properties then Compatibility tab.

    Change high DPI settings

    Override behavior

    Scaling performed by APPLICATION

    OKAY then APPLY

    Now load Fusion. You'll notice the splash is not blurry.


    Event List Editor Tab: Slide the Zoom up to whatever you want. Probably set it to 125% for 1440p monitors and 150% for 4k monitors.

    Do the same for Storyboard Editor and Event List Editor.

    Enjoy the crisp text!

    Thank you, Clickteam, for including these options! My eyes appreciate it!

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