Looking for some help with 4K Monitor resolutions.
This is for developing on multiple monitors or when using 4k. im using two 1080 screens and one 4K screen.
Recently started using a 4k monitor wanting to view more of my game as i build it. So far its been a real pain. issues im facing are as follows
Text not lining up in object properties.
Cant find a way to resize text larger like you can resize icons.
Event editor can scale but nothing else scales, resultingi n large event editor and tiny text on everything else.
What was meant to increase my production has only led to many hrs spent on forum and trying different settings.
Windows scale on 4k is set to 150% this does not hep in the fusion app.
Im about ready to give up on 4K altogether and reset clickteams settings to default and go back to using just 1080 . If only i could find the setting for that. I a little Frustrated by outdated or lack of help info in the programs own help files. searching 4k resolution just brings up hundreds of threads about game resolution on output devices not any thing i can find on using 4k screens .
Can some one please help me locate the programs reset defaults setting or tell me what ini file need to trash or edit replace, sings a song to or do a special dance and spin round three times.
This is last resort posting here after many hours spent trying to fix it myself.. thanks if any one can help ..