Here's an almost final version of my PMO hacks example: Please login to see this attachment.
Thanks 110% to [MENTION=14816]BartekB[/MENTION] for the hard work with the rope bridge, I just hacked it together to work with PMO.
Also featuring a guest appearance by sloped jump-thrus, just make sure the hotspot is at the height of the lowest pixel on the slope.
Finally, elevators working with pushout, I'd love to also do this with fastloops but I never got around to it. The bulk of the elevator events came from the genius of [MENTION=7222]Caesar[/MENTION] originally posted here: Please login to see this link.
Also thanks to [MENTION=6771]DaveC[/MENTION] for the Kid Icarus Fusion example with pushout that gave me the idea to combine them: Please login to see this link.
There is a tiny bug if you land on the elevator and there's not enough clearence above you, this is due to the way the PMO processes "on the ground" and there's no good way I found of being able to detect if you're falling through the platform during an overlap and on the ground.
Any bugs please report, I'd love to make this definitive!