How can I make a Pause screen?

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  • How would I make a Pause menu? For example, like Super Metroid, where you can pause, look at what items you have, logs, etc, then unpause, continuing the game as if nothing happened, in the same spot with the enemies or whatever also in the same places they were.

  • Check a Previous Question Please login to see this link., Please login to see this link. (has examples)
    otherwise quick ways are dialogbox, Question & Answer objects they pause the app while displayed.

    Life is a Duel.

    Edited 2 times, last by bubba_damage: just a little cleanup (August 30, 2019 at 6:31 PM).

  • I do it the way nivram suggests. Though it's worth noting that deactivating/activating a big group isn't necessarily enough to comprehensively pause everything. In-built movements (eg. bouncing ball) will keep playing, extension-controlled movements (eg. flocking object) will keep playing, animations will keep playing, the timer will keep running, and maybe some other things too. Depending on your needs, you may need to forcibly pause/unpause all of those too.

    In-built movements and animations are easy enough. Give everything that you want to be paused some qualifer (I use a custom "pausable" qualifier but you need :cf25+: for that - but any qualifier will do), then when you pause, you do: Please login to see this picture. and then on unpause: Please login to see this picture..

    To pause the timer, just record the current timer (at time of pause) to an alterable value Please login to see this picture. and then set the timer to that recorded time at unpause: Please login to see this picture.

    Please login to see this link.
    My Fusion Tools: Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link. | Please login to see this link.

  • I'm also doing it this way - all of my main game events are in a "Main" group and this pauses when it's deactivated. Vol raises a good point regarding animations - you will have to start and stop animations using the method he has described.

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