"Super Mario Bros. Fusion" is a game which I have worked on as a learning project since 2009.
This game is a fusion of Super Mario Bros. and other classic games such as Batman, Darkwing Duck, DuckTales, Mega Man, Metroid, Wario Land, Zelda II and plenty of other titles as well.
The player will be able to visit different worlds and collect upgrades which can be used in various ways.
For example, the player can visit the Metroid universe and collect the morphball and morphball bombs which can be used to either progress further in the Metroid world or as a way to destroy enemies or blocks in the other worlds.
Right now Mario is the only playable character in the game. I have plans to implement Link, Samus and Mega Man as well. Like Mario, all these characters will be slightly "fusioned" as they will have to be able to complete the goal of each world.
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