Trying to change file name of HighScore object freezes the game in HTML5

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Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Hi,
    My game is now mostly working, but for higher levels I use an action to change the file that the HighScore object should be loading from and saving to and as soon as this action triggers it freezes the game.

    Like the INI object I tried including the files for the High Score object as binary data elements, and then just referencing them by filename with no path, but as I said, trying to swap filenames in an action freezes the game. Any ideas?

  • PS: if you need a quick fix I can send it to you.

    Also, once this is resolved there's only one more outstanding issue that I know of that is blocking my releasing the game, and that is the hideous seam issue with active system box when set to tiled mode on a horizontally wrapping layer set to a different scrolling ratio than 1.0. I already started a thread on it and provided a super-simple example file. It's here: Please login to see this link.

    One last note, We need a solution for monetization on HTML5 and it's critical that people have an easy export that they can embed in webpages and Wordpress pages along with banner ads etc. The forced page with Clickteam logo and nothing else is not adequate. I'd expect you'd be selling a lot more HTML5 exporters if getting the resulting games on Facebook with ad monetization was as easy as it should be without custom hacks by relative experts.

    Edited once, last by BrashMonkey (December 3, 2019 at 8:47 PM).

  • I've sent you the fix. I'll check the other issue.


    The forced page with Clickteam logo and nothing else is not adequate.

    Are you using the built-in free version of the HTML5 exporter or the full HTML5 exporter? Because there is no forced Clickteam logo in the full HTML5 exporter.

  • I've sent you the fix. I'll check the other issue.

    Are you using the built-in free version of the HTML5 exporter or the full HTML5 exporter? Because there is no forced Clickteam logo in the full HTML5 exporter.

    See under the game here: Also, play the first level and see the terrible seams in the middle layers of scrolling:
    Please login to see this link.

  • I'm using the full version purchased through Steam.

    Oh, I see. It's not a "forced logo", it's just the default template of the HTML page. Of course you can change everything in this HTML page or simply copy the code that runs the application to your own HTML page. You haven't to include a "Created with Fusion" logo if you use the Developer version, like the other exporters.

  • See under the game here: Also, play the first level and see the terrible seams in the middle layers of scrolling:
    Please login to see this link.

    For some reason it stops in the middle of the progress bar, the console displays an error message: "DOMException: Unable to decode audio data".

    Could you send me the MFA? I'll try to see what happens.

  • For some reason it stops in the middle of the progress bar, the console displays an error message: "DOMException: Unable to decode audio data".

    Could you send me the MFA? I'll try to see what happens.

    What browser are you using? It works for me in chrome and firefox. BUT at least in firefox maybe a third of the time it hangs up before it starts running.

    I'll send you a link to the actual MFA via private message soon.

  • What browser are you using? It works for me in chrome and firefox. BUT at least in firefox maybe a third of the time it hangs up before it starts running.

    I'll send you a link to the actual MFA via private message soon.

    It fails in Chrome and Opera, it works with Firefox and Edge. With the MFA I could see what sound is causing the issue perhaps.

    Also apparently I see the seams in the background unlike the other example, so if you could send me a MFA with just a single game frame that would allow me to check both issues.

  • 1. Sound issue: it's due to MP3 files that are created from very small WAV files, like OptionIN. When Fusion builds an HTML5 app, it converts all sounds to MP3/OGG (if the "Build MP3 sounds" option is selected in the preferences, General tab, HTML5 exporter) or to M4A/OGG (if the option is unselected). Apparently the converter used by Fusion doesn't like very small MP3 sounds like OptionIN (there might be others, it's the one I noticed). 2 solutions:

    a. you increase the size of those sounds.
    b. you convert them yourself to MP3 with a 3rd party tool (like Audacity) and replace them in the Data Elements editor.
    c. you unselect the "Build MP3 sounds" in the preferences, so that Fusion generates M4A sound files instead. (I think we added this option because M4A export was not available on all versions of Windows).

    2. Seams in ASB object: I think I've fixed it in your case but it's not 100% fixed when the screen is stretched, I'll send you a version when it works in all cases, hopefully tomorrow.

  • Awesome Work Yves! Thanks for all this help.
    I've got good news too: It turns out your hotfix did seem to resolve the issue for the high score objects and it's actually the xbox360 controller object that causes any frame to freeze when running as html5. Though it's is an unfortunate problem for 2 reasons: 1) A plugin should be ignored when not supported and should not freeze the game. 2) Good browsers support Xbox controllers for a long time now. Does the HTML5 export from Fusion have zero control pad support?

    So, I think once the seams issue is fixed my game will be ready to launch, but there are still 3 really bad shortcomings for using Fusion for the game.
    1) No monetization support at all on HTML5
    2) No easy way to simply embed your game into a web page or Wordpress page via Iframe.
    3) No control pad support? People using chrome or firefox at least should be able to play via a control pad if they have an xbox compatible control pad because html5 and Chrome and Firefox all support it.

    Hopefully with your help and the help of the community we can resolve these remaining issues. When I had the original version of this game on Facebook (via Flash exporter) it was getting many thousands of unique players a month. This new version is much more advanced (once these HTML5 issues are fixed ) and I'd be happy to make a banner under the game that says the game was made with Fusion and then link to , but to do that we at least need to fix the embedding and monetization limitations with the exporter.

    1. Sound issue: it's due to MP3 files that are created from very small WAV files, like OptionIN. When Fusion builds an HTML5 app, it converts all sounds to MP3/OGG (if the "Build MP3 sounds" option is selected in the preferences, General tab, HTML5 exporter) or to M4A/OGG (if the option is unselected). Apparently the converter used by Fusion doesn't like very small MP3 sounds like OptionIN (there might be others, it's the one I noticed). 2 solutions:

    a. you increase the size of those sounds.
    b. you convert them yourself to MP3 with a 3rd party tool (like Audacity) and replace them in the Data Elements editor.
    c. you unselect the "Build MP3 sounds" in the preferences, so that Fusion generates M4A sound files instead. (I think we added this option because M4A export was not available on all versions of Windows).

    2. Seams in ASB object: I think I've fixed it in your case but it's not 100% fixed when the screen is stretched, I'll send you a version when it works in all cases, hopefully tomorrow.

  • Quote

    A plugin should be ignored when not supported and should not freeze the game.

    It is and I can't tell you why it freezes unless you give me the steps to reproduce the crash or show me the log in the console in the browser when it crashes.

    I'll discuss about the other issues with Fernando. I'm not sure we can do everything you say before the new version of the runtime is ready, but I'll check.

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