I have a question about ini files on Android:
- I have an ini file with my game level data
- It include in my app "Binary Data"
- At start of the frame I load the files like this:
* Start of Frame
+ Is running as Android application
ini.lang : Set current file to DataStorageDirectory$( "Android object" ) + "/data/lang/" + Lower$(language) + ".ini"
ini.level : Set current file to DataStorageDirectory$( "Android object" ) + "/data/lvl.ini"
+ Is running as Windows application
ini.lang : Set current file to Apppath$ + "/data/lang/" + Lower$(language) + ".ini"
ini.level : Set current file to Apppath$ + "/data/lvl.ini"
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I want to know if the final user can edit this file ? Or there are reload from binary data at each start of the app.