I may have found a bug with Android exporter.
I've attached a mfa to show the possible bug.
Here is the problem :
I have a frame with 2 layers :
- on layer 1 : "Active" (the green diamond) with ball movement + "Active 2" (the black square)
- on layer 2 : "Active 3" (the blue diamond)
Here's the code :
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On windows : if "Active" collides with the background (created with "Active 2" on layer 1), it bounces. It's the expected behavior
Once exported on Android : "Actives" never collides with the background… (It will collide only if I de-activate the event that hide layer 1)
The mfa is exported with Fusion 2.5+ R292.22 with API29 and tested on a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 with Android 9