Is there any limitation of keystore password in Fusion?
I've got an app developed in other sofware and I want to move this project to fusion
I made a blank app and try to sign it with my keystore file and each time I received an error:
> com.android.ide.common.signing.KeytoolException: Failed to read key idlesim from store ".......\true_key_copy_paste.keystore": Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
So I tried to create a keystore two more times - same error
When I made a simplier password ('xxxxxx') applicaiton was build correctly (all other data in keystore was exactly the same)
I tried to enter a password and copy paste them dozens times on each file, even I write a bot which enter password for me, to be 100% sure the password entered is good
Did You know where is the limit?? Is it possible to fix this bug in one of future release?