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I resolve my problem with something like this, is not perfect but it works. The best way is have 360 direction, but I don't want to use 360 objects, maybe someone can solve this problem? I think the way is use for each and copy one line object for 360 times.
I don't understand what you're doing or why you're doing it.
If you want the target to look in a certain direction you can create an object where the player has clicked and set the target to look in that direction as opposed to creating a lot of little squares.
As far as the polygon, are you drawing / supplying it? In which case why do you want to create the squares through code? Or will it change? And then what will trigger the change? Will it be a mouse-click where there is a known position? Will you always know the shape of the polygon or do you need to somehow test that in order to create the blocks?
What is your end result? Because it might be easier for us to offer an alternative solution.
Thank you very much for the super fast and complete reply. The polygon is an ipotetical walkable area for a point and click game, and all I want to do is ti find the closest point in the walkable area if the player click outside. I hope you can understand because my english is terrible. Waiting for an answer and again thank you very much for the fast reply
Thank you very much for the super fast and complete reply. The polygon is an ipotetical walkable area for a point and click game, and all I want to do is ti find the closest point in the walkable area if the player click outside. I hope you can understand because my english is terrible. Waiting for an answer and again thank you very much for the fast reply
Now im out but when I come back to home I post the update exemple, it work with 360 object with 360 direction using the less line code using group, but unlucky is super slow
Ok, now it work perfect but I have only one problem, is really slow and when the loops start make the fps going down! If anyone know how to solve, I really appreciate
I use resolution 3840x2160, because is the resolution of my game, to stop the application click on the x button on top right.
What you're doing and what you're explaining doesn't match for me - so I'm still confused about why you're doing things the way you are.
What I've done is to follow your explanation, rather than your .mfa - and made you an example in frame 2. As you said you want a point and click adventure. If you want an automatic movement that the player moves to where it was clicked, it isn't necessary to work out the angles or directions because Fusion has a command that will do all of that for you. I also just changed the click event to make sure the player can only click in the play area - if he or she clicks outside the play area, nothing will happen. You don't have to limit it like this - if the player clicks outside the play area - the character can still walk in that direction. In that case you just have to stop the character when it leaves the play area.
If what you need to achieve is something different, then: (a) you only need to run the loop 360 times and / or - run it once for each object. (b) I hope someone else reads this and understands it better and can help you.
Thank you very much, but is not what I want. I try to explain better. I know how to make point and click movement, the only thing I want to improve is if the player click out of the walkable area create a way to find the point inside the walkable area close to the point the player have click outside. You know for exemple, like the curse of monkey island, wherever you click (inside or outside the walkable area) the charachters move inside the walkable area. Really sorry for my bad english to all of you, and thank you again