High Resolution Font, Lost Quality in Downscaling

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  • Hi, i have a really big problem!

    In my game I programming in 4k so I use the resolution 3840x2160, and I insert all the text in active object, but when I downscale the game for the smaller resolution, the quality of the image really going down.
    If someone know how to solve this, please let me know!

    I really need this, but I think the grapich engine of fusion work really bad in that kind of situation. :(

    Here the exemple file Please login to see this attachment.

  • I downloaded the mfa and I guess I'm not understanding what the problem is? It looks pretty normal on my 1080p display. Downscaling is going to lose some detail no matter what compared to the 4K image, but it didn't look bad.

  • Sorry NaitorStudios but my english is not so good, and I don't understand so much :D
    What is the way for you for make that responsive design?
    By the way, Shawn you know if you look the font in 4k it looks really good, but in 1080 is reallly ugly, at 4k seems like vector at 1080 is not like that. Later I post another mfa, is an exemple of the diffrence beetwen downscale and native resolution

    Thank you to all for the quick answer guys.

    I hope togheter we find a solution

  • I recommend making the game in 1080P instead of 4K to avoid this issue. Compared to 3D games, 2D games don't scale to different resolutions very well and most people probably have monitors with around 1080P resolution.

  • we wanna make a professional point and click adventure, and i don't think we can optimize the game only for the 1080P, and at 1080 there is the same problem with 1366x768, i think i have to make diffrent export of the image with the font, but i really hope to find another solution.

  • The problem is that Fusion does not downscale font as a vector, so font will always look slightly blurry when it is downscaled. Perhaps you could make different versions of your game at different resolutions, and create a game launcher to launch the different versions.

  • I don't understand why you use 4k, I don't think you need so many pixels for a PC screen, which doesn't have large dimensions. I don't quite understand what you want to do, the resizing of the window will happen automatically based on the screen size and will not reduce the quality of much. unless you are trying to do an event that reduces the size of your fonts in the game, in that case add an animation with the fonts reduced and scaled first with another software (corel, photoshop)

  • because i wanna also optimize the game for 4k screen. 4k is the future and so I wanna optimize the game for more device as possible I can. Anyway also little changin from 1960x1080 to 1366x768 cause an ugly result on the image, i really don't understand the reason

  • After thinking about this, I realized that you should be able to do pixel perfect scaling from 4K to 1080P because 1920x1080 is exactly half of 3840x2160; however, in my tests this doesn't seem to work. In fact, if you have "resize display to fill Window size" selected, Fusion seems to scale your game slightly even if your game is running at your monitors native resolution.

  • And so what do you think? I have to make the game without "resize to fill window size"? I really need this for making fullscreen!
    Now, i'm working on exemple and tomorrow i will post ;)

    Another time, thank you very much guys for all the answer, i appreciated so much!

  • 4k is mainly used for television screens due to their size, there are few 4k screens for pc, which are used to make graphics and by competitive players who play very famous 3d titles. the main screens come in 24 inches where a FullHD resolution is fine. games often have a native resolution of 1080 which is then spread on 4k tv, also because running a native 4k game would require a lot of resources, The Witcher 3 on the PS4 console has a resolution of 1080, which for a 2d game is fine

  • I agree that 4k is the future. There are lots of 4k games for PC and monitors cost from around $300 up for 4k. Many Graphics professionals use 4k also so imoho i think better 4k support should be something that is improved. Not only the resize issues but also the issues of using 4k resolution to develop on. I posted some issues on forum when i tried using 4k monitor about a year ago as text was not resizing correctly and getting cut off in the editors left panels. I think its something to do with DX11 not really working well on fusion. There seems to be other issues around it also and the response is normally use DX9. I don't think these things will change until F3 is released and that project has been going for over 3 years now. Personally i gave up on 4k in fusion and when i develop in that engine i run my 4k screen at 1080x1920 . Shame really as i love fusion and because its 32bit it wont run on latest mac OS. As mac is also used by many graphics professionals. I think fusion is getting left behind as more time passes. Telling people to not use the latest OS when they just bought a new Mac is not a good solution either. I think it all relates to the tech moving on. PS4 runs 4k easy, 4K tvs and monitors are popular and now 8k is also gaining traction. I have no solution i can offer but i can relate to what the issues are.

  • Now i wanna show you an exemple file, so we can understand better.
    First thing, my monitor have maximum res 1366x768, so i really don't know how it work at larger resolution.
    In the exemple file i put the text optimized for the diffrent resolution, and really strange thing is that fusion work better with upscaling rather then downscaling.
    The 4k file was made using Adobe indesign by a professional illustrator, and the other file is downscaled images created with a free tool that I find online for resizing picture. The funny thing is that the picture resized online work better at lower resolution compared to the 4k picture and this is ridicolous I think.
    Another thing I don't understand, if you take a look to the background picture (is just a test, not the real graphic of the game) is resized better compared to the active with text.
    Anyway I hope you can understand me, because english is not my language and sometimes is terrible :D

    By the way, here you are the exemple file Please login to see this link.

    I really hope you can help me to solve this problem, and I think is usefull for everyone to find a solution for that.

    Thank you in advance ;)

  • If you want to make a professional point and click adventure you should not have the text as image. Imagine the huge amount of text for dialogues, all having to go through an image editing program such as photoshop and exporting, and all that for multi-resolution. Imagine the pain of updating these images after a revision/proofreading. And you want the images to be downscaled in Fusion with aliasing perfection of Photoshop. Not gonna happen.

    I see where are you headed at, but I think you are looking at the wrong path. You want a definitive solution for a multi-resolution, multi-platform point and click game, but not taking into account that it simply might not be possible the way you want it. If you make a game at 4K "because it is the future", when you downscale to 1080p there is a LOT of things that can go wrong regarding coordinates, paths and so on on top of the font as image.

  • Pictures will always scale differently to fonts. A picture file like a png scales by removing pixels.
    Fonts scale by being redrawn using math. So they are drawn by the engine. The difference in font types True Type and Opentype are the way the Bézier curves are drawn using math so the engine should treat each type differently. There can also be differences in how different fonts are spaced. Mono space works better i believe in fusion as all characters in the font are spaced the same. So when fusion resizes the font it can resize each letter the same. There seems to be issues with how fonts are resized in DX11 compared to how fonts resize in DX9. DX9 is much older so fusion has had much more development using DX9. I think that is why it works better than DX11.
    Im from a print background so im used to creating things at higher res and downscale for other things. Its good if you want to make print items with your game characters or other parts of your game like art books ect. Also if your game is going to be high res. Game engines work better when they upscale. Its less work for the game to run on PC or console. If you really want to make a High res game at 4K but let others play it on lower res screens like 1080. It is best to make two versions and let the player install the one that they want. Then players that have lower spec machines can install the 1080 version and are not working their graphics cards hard to play. Players that want to run 4k will normally have much higher spec machines with decent graphics cards that can run 4k easy. Its more work to make two versions but really the only good way to avoid scaling up graphics. Scaling up will lose resolution.
    The font issue is a separate issue related to how fusion draws the fonts in the engine. I imagine it will get better the more work that is put into DX11 on fusion. As more people provide examples of how things look and problems they find it will get better. Respect to Yves for all the work he does on updating and fixing fusion. if only we could clone him with a right click lol.

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