High Resolution Font, Lost Quality in Downscaling

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Ok, I understand and in same way I agree with you, but, import text as image is really simple with the grapich editor of fusion, because I can import all the text save in a grid and fusion automatically cut all the sprite sheet, and this is awesome.
    In downscaling 4K for all the resolution I have no problem with the path movement and with all the other things of the game, just this stuff of text and make full screen is my problem. For full screen i solve the problem making 2 exe of the game, one for the aspect ratio lower than 1.5 and one for the upper one.
    Now the only things is really difficult to make is the text.

    1) I try to blit the text starting for an old exemple of Chris Burrows, it work really good, but is slower compare to active with text image, and is not so easy to programming for a long game (our game is around 15 hours), and last but not least, there is the same problem with the blitted font loosing quality in downscaling.

    2) I can try to embed font, but the extension work only for PC, and we wanna develop the game for PC, Mac, iOS and Android.

    3) The font have to be outlined and fusion don't read outlined font in two color, so I can create a new font starting for the original, and I can use one font for the outside and one for the inside, put one on top of the other and maybe for pc it work, but another time when fusion downcaling, the font is really ugly to see, also in the last example that I linked in the other post, you can see the normal tahoma font is really s***ty when is resized.

    At the end, I really don't know what I have to do. I think to leave fusion 1 year ago, but now i'm here and the game must be released in december, so I have to work with fusion because I have no time and maybe i'm not able to learn another program, and I also want to make people understand how good and "easy" is this program that I love.

  • Yes, i really agree with you c4t, I love fusion, and Yves make a fantastic job, but I think the fusion 3 moment has really come.
    I have been waiting impatiently for years, and I hope can be relesead as soon as possible. ;)

    Anyway, thank you for your advice, I hope we find another solution, but I think i have to release diffrent version of the game, and create a launcher for automatically select the correct version.

  • I understand click fusion game don't work on the latest mac OS? This is a terrible problem

    Shouldn't be a problem running apps on Catalina. Apps exported from CTF2.5 with the Mac Exporter are 64-Bit

    The Mac Editor is 32-Bit, but you can get round that problem if you're developing on a Mac with the latest OS

    Edited once, last by AND (April 28, 2020 at 5:19 PM).

  • 1) I am also programming the game on mobile, obviously I do not use the maximum resolution that a phone could reach, because it would not make sense with such small screens, then we are talking about a 2d cartoon, it would not even work with a high resolution, you would risk compromising the performance, I use a 480x864 resolution both on mobile and on pc (on pc it is not resized, it is a window), but still it looks good everywhere. 2) you are using a resizing event inside fusion, when you should instead test on smaller screens, so your writing (active objects) will be automatically resized, a 4k will not lose quality on a smaller screen, I just tried it on mine 5-inch phone which has a FullHD resolution and is seen perfectly. the smaller resolutions of FullHD you don't even have to look at them since no screen now uses them. in addition, your empty file already takes up a lot, mobile users easily delete a game that takes up a lot of space to make room for other content, if I'm not mistaken and the first reason why a game is canceled. 3) you are playing a pc and mobile game, which use medium-small screens, already console games which are played on TV (therefore on large screens) are often not native 4K. use all these pixels I don't think it makes sense for a 2d cartoon game. 5) if you want to do it also on mobile you will obviously have to create other resized images, so as to make your game lighter and faster. regards

    1)anchio sto programmando il gioco su mobile , ovviamente non uso la massima risoluzione che potrebbe raggiungere un telefono , perche non avrebbe senso con schermi cosi piccoli , poi parliamo di un 2d cartoon, non funzionerebbe nemmeno con un alta risoluzione , rischieresti di compromettere le prestazioni , io utilizzo una risoluzione 480x864 sia su mobile che su pc (su pc non viene ridimensionata, si tratta di una finestra) , ma comunque si vede bene dapertutto . 2) stai utilizzando un evento di ridimensionamento dentro fusion , quando dovresti invece fare test su schermi piu piccoli , cosi le tue scritte(oggetti attivi) verranno ridimensionate automaticamente , un 4k non perdera qualita su uno schermo piu piccolo , l ho appena provato sul mio telefono da 5 pollici il quale ha una risoluzione FullHD e si vede perfettamente . le risoluzioni piu piccole di FullHD non le devi nemmeno guardare visto che nessun schermo ormai le utilizza . in piu il tuo file vuoto occupa gia tanto , gli utenti mobile cancellano facilmente un gioco che occupa tanto spazio per far spazio ad altri contenuti , se non sbaglio e il primo motivo per cui un gioco viene cancellato . 3) stai facendo un gioco pc e mobile , che utilizzano schermi medio piccoli , gia i giochi per console i quali vengono riprodotti sulla TV (quindi su schermi grandi) spesso non sono dei 4k nativi . utilizzare tutti questi pixel non credo abbia senso per un gioco 2d cartoon. 5) se vuoi farlo anche su mobile dovrai creare ovviamente altre immagini ridimensionate , cosi da rendere il tuo gioco piu leggero e veloce . saluti

  • I thought both the Mac and PC version of Fusion editors are 32bit.

    The Mac Editor is 32-Bit, but you can get round that problem if you're developing on a Mac with the latest OS

    Can you please provide info on the solution to run the Mac editor and exporter on the latest Mac OS.
    Fusion staff have been telling people to not update to the latest OS.

    I have a new Mac on the way and i don't want to downgrade to a previous version. Ive been looking at other options for creating games but Id rather pay for the conversions on my Fusion dev editor and exporters and stay with clickteam.

    Im not interested in running windows on Mac or any type of fake windows sandbox. so looking for a totally Mac based solution.

    Thanks you got me interested.

  • Hi c4t, I haven't upgraded to Catalina yet so I haven't been able to test it for myself, but since the release of Crossover 19 you are able to run 32-bit win apps on Catalina. I used to use Crossover to run CTF before Clickteam released the Mac editor and it worked fine. It's not a solution for running Clickteam's 'Mac editor' on Catalina, which is why Fusion staff have been telling people to not update to the latest OS, so you would have to install the Windows version of CTF in Crossover. This is basically the same thing that Clickteam have done with Wineskin - it's like opening up a Mac app and you use cmd+C, cmd+V to copy and paste like you do on the Mac too. As far as I know Wineskin haven't released a compatible version yet. The cheapest version of Crossover (no support or upgrades) is €38 - you can download a 14 day trial version to make sure it works first.

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  • I just found this link showing Clickteam Fusion 2.5 running on Catalina. It shows a screenshot posted on March 19th, 2020 of Fusion on MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) using Crossover 19.0.1 Please let us know if you decide to try it and get it to work.

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  • My only suggestion for this would be to set a global value that is assigned based on the resolution of the screen.

    4k = 0
    1080p = 1
    720 = 2 (and so on.)

    Then, load in a particular character set image based on whatever the global value is going to be that is designed specifically for that resolution. Even then, you're going to not have as crisp of an image as you would in 4K, that's just how it is going to be. There may not even be any discernible difference between how Fusion scales down versus your specifically designed 1080p character set.

    I downloaded the file and think the 1080p version looks just fine, myself. I don't envy you in your mission. :)

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  • Firstly thank you at all for the answer.

    Piscdreams, I wanna do like this, but there is one big problem, if I make the graphic for diffrent resolution and the native resolution is 3840x2160, all the object inside the project is automatically scaling down to fill the smaller size of the screen and the pictures loosing quality.
    Anyway, I think at the end I make diffrent exe for the game, maybe is the simplest solution

  • after further tests it is probably better to use a 10: 5 (960x480) or higher ratio for Android with rounded corners, this is because many new van phones beyond this aspect ratio, I will probably use a 21: 9.7 ratio (with 480 wide) and l centralization of the screen

    Edited 2 times, last by janpier (May 2, 2020 at 11:24 PM).

  • Thank you for the info janiper. You know we think also for mobile, but we make point and click adventure and firstly we think for pc. Btw I'll do at least 3 version of the game to try to catch all the resolution, and a launcher for automatically choose the best aspect ratio.
    Thank you again for the info ;)

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