This is my first time on the forum, I hope this is the right place to post this.
I'm currently making a Multiplayer game in Fusion 2.5, and I'm using Lacewing Blue for the networking. I've read the entire documentation and downloaded example projects for advice, however I'm a little stumped.
Unlike most Lacewing projects, mine isn't "peer to peer"; as in, I have a server that keeps track of all the player data. The clients can join the server, and their characters appear and update in the right places within the server program. However, I'm having issues sending the data back to the clients to update the other players on their screen. I think the problem is that the server doesnt know which channel to blast the binaries on when sending the data back. I was wondering if anybody has had a similar issue or has a project similar to mine.
additional info: It seems that the client doesnt recieve any data to the server, as using a textbox and setting its string to "ReceivedBinarySize" returns nothing. I'm just wondering how to blast data as a server to a channel.
I'm happy to share more information if need be. Thanks in advance!