Fusion 3.0? Could we have an update?

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Generally I don't mind subscriptions, especially if there is a free alternative that offers fewer super-professional bells and whistles (thus why I started off with suggesting Git integration or multiplayer). But it also depends on what the Clickteam crew can cook up and what F3 is capable of. For instance, I think the Adobe model is pretty terrible in that there are graphics suites that are equally capable as Photoshop (anyone else heard of Please login to see this link.?). Some of their other tools, like Premiere, also don't have real alternatives, but were far too expensive on their own in the first place, so it absolutely makes sense there, even though the sub costs are still wildly prohibitive. It's a balancing act, and I think it all comes down to use case.

    Fusion generally attracts two kinds of developers: fledgling programmers looking to make their first products, and professionals who know the engine inside and out and what it's really capable of. But that middle, intermediate area is where developers jump over to Unity or such looking for more "robust" solutions, only to come back to Fusion for later products because they're tearing their hair out at how many errors Unity spits out into the log rather than just spitting out a game. The trick will be finding a pricing model that won't turn away the fledgling devs, and an up-front feature set that will keep intermediate devs on board and paying. Can't be waiting around for developers test out the HTML5 exporter demo, leave, and then come back to make Baba Is You way down the line.

  • [MENTION=5114]Yves[/MENTION], can you please tell us what will be the physics engine in fusion 3!? Hopefully box2d again but with more features (all joints, raycasting, timescale, able to use float numbers, collision polygon editor, etc), or will you use something totaly different!? Can you please give some infos Thx :D

  • I would never care for subscription payments. I always hope to pay for the software once - once and done. I would not mind paying for updates, however. This way we can decide what to pay for, if we wish to get the updates or not. I also was wondering when we will here any more news about anything, by the way.

  • Subscriptions do have the advantage of lowering the barrier to entry though. Fusion 2.5+ Developer is, what, $460? For an indie starting out that intends to work on a 6 month project, that comes out to $76/month. Not very affordable. Now imagine they only have to pay $15/month. That's two and a half years of Fusion, five projects, and way more revenue sources to make up the costs. Now double-imagine they let you cancel your subscription at any time in case you didn't need Developer features any more. They'd have hundreds if not thousands of more sources of consistent revenue, rather than waiting around for developers to buy in.

    But like Unity, I'd hope there's still a free version, and subscriptions are for gaining access to more professional and team features, plus exporters, multiplayer, and other bells and whistles.

  • I think that I always would want to pay for the software once, AND ONLY once. However, I would not mind it if, after someone brought the software, they could pay for a subscription of special features IN ADDITION to the main program. This way, they always have the main program, but they also can have the option paying for the additional special features on a subscription bases.

  • That works if you're going to offer modules like I mentioned earlier, such as GIT/SVN integration or backend social/multiplayer features (ad networks, microtransactions, leaderboards, etc.). Service-based subscriptions basically. Which is fine if Clickteam has the bandwidth to create such services. Or maybe even like Standard edition is pay-once and Developer is subscription. I could see that making a ton of sense, since I would think Standard appeals more to Free users who want a bit more freedom in what platform they develop for, while Developer is for professionals looking to go as multiplatform and feature-packed as possible on lots of different projects.

  • It could be the best of both worlds tho
    Here some suggestions for how this could work:

    Free with a mandatory "Made with Fusion" logo on the beginning to make it popular.
    For people to learn and make free games to share with family, friends or put it online.
    People could make custom "Made with Fusion" logos and send to Clickteam throught Fusion.
    All the approved ones could be used exclusively or shared with the community as a option.
    The only two limitations would be that it can only use pseudo extensions (which will be as powerful as native extensions from 2.5, but made totally with events) as the F3 Blog says...
    And no exporters other than PC, but maybe would be interesting to let people "build and run" installing the app/game on their phones through a cable connection.
    BUT, any person that wants to make native extensions can use this as long as it's their extensions (or at least compiled by themselves).

    Standard as a buy once thing, for people who's starting to get serious, this would be good for applications and games, with no limitations.
    Any kind of extension can be used, maybe we could have a Clicker score that gives a month of subscription for each useful native extension created by the person.
    "Made with Fusion" logo optional but included by default, commercial stuff made need to include the logo in this version tho.

    Developer as a subscription with monetization capabilities and more advanced features.
    For people that works with a team, track and merge changes, this kind of stuff...
    This could maybe include exporters as long as the subscription still valid (?)

    To make things more interesting, with time features (non related to monetization) from Developer could come to Standard as new features as made for the Developer version
    So this would be like a "Get features sooner by supporting Clickteam with the Dev version, along the monetization capabilities"
    It don't need to be like a beta or alpha tho, people would receive the stable features on Dev first, but could also join a beta/insider version to help with development and bug fixing

    By having the Developer version as subscription, the it becomes more acessible, all built stuff could be sold and still use monetization if the person get back to Standard
    But it the person really needs to keep updating it, since it's a commercial game/application, a subscription wouldn't be too much to pay :)

    Edited 4 times, last by NaitorStudios (June 14, 2020 at 2:15 AM).

  • Just a reminder that we're not able to give Fusion 3 updates or discuss details or take suggestions at this time, so I won't lock the thread but we won't be able to respond. Thanks.

    [MENTION=5109]Simon[/MENTION], for what I can understand, the 3.0 version seems far to be ready, and it's ok because the 2.5+ it's a very good piece of software.
    The only BIG request feature I have, and so many other users, is to add the possibility to FLIP the active object even with the collision system deactivated.
    This is a big missing feature that forces us to waste time and memory usage, either if we work on HD or android projects.
    So, again, please, add this feature!

  • I would rather not have a subscription for Fusion 3.0.
    I have very little time and I haven't been able to work on my engine for more than 1-2h per week in average over the last 9 months. I would feel stupid to subscribe for $15 or more for just being able to work 4-8h of work each month.

    My project: Please login to see this link.
    - vSv

  • @Please login to see this link., actually, Fusion 2.5 doesn't store duplicates, so I'm guessing the same goes for flipped frames of animation (?)
    So if you use lots of duplicated frames to make a animation last longer in some parts, no need to worry, it will not store the same frame of animation over and over again, it just delay the current frame.

    But, there are shaders for flipping the sprite, I did an spritesheet extension for myself and also added the flipping along with indexed color and multiple palette choices
    Since there's no shaders in runtimes other than PC, I get why people would ask for this, I do think it would be better if we could flip an object by entering negative sizes
    (Which I'm pretty sure Fusion 3 will be able to do, Fusion 2.5 don't have this just because of a technical limitation...)

    [MENTION=10352]vSv[/MENTION], this is actually a good point, this is why I think Developer only should be subscription, because if you're just learning and trying stuff to release for free, why care about a subscription?
    So it makes sense having a Dev subscription paying only when you are getting money for your apps/games...

  • I have the dev version and there are times I don't get to it for months. Sometimes several months. A subscription by definition is a payment for consecutive issues of a newspaper or magazine for a given period of time. Another words, everything new for each periodical issue. I'm willing to donate to the html5 exporter to get an upgrade, not join a subscription base forum to help support CT. Residual incomes are nice but there has to be something new that continues. The 2.5+ upgrade price seems to be worth it for me.

  • We've had years of discussion at this point and there's nothing we can add right now so to prevent another thread spiralling out of control again (especially as people are still asking questions and making requests/comments after I said we can't answer or accept them) I'm going to close this thread now.

    Thank you all for the enthusiasm, make sure to follow us on social media to get the latest announcements from Clickteam :)

    Edited once, last by Simon (June 15, 2020 at 2:48 PM).

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