I am trying to show ads using the ironsource object but something is off.
What I have done so far:
- I created an account in Ironsource; they approved the app few days later and it is currently LIVE.
- I want to run only interstitial ads . I am using the "code" below to start them . Currently, I want to test it only with their network.
- In the object itself - I have clicked only "Enable interstitial" and in the Application ID I have entered the app key from ironsource Please login to see this attachment.
Still - no ads. I followed their procedure for troubleshooting Please login to see this link. and added test device with test ads but they did not show neither .
I have a very simple code for running intersititial ads:
* Start of Frame
IronSource : Load Interstitial
* IronSource: On Interstitial Ready
+ Run this event once
+ Layer object: Layer 6 is visible? // this is the win/loose condition
+ Delay_ads > 5
IronSource : Show Interstitial
Any ideas what could be wrong ?