Greetings! Im making an ice type of level using PMO for the character. I got invisible triggerboxes around the slippery ice blocks that will register if you are walking on the blocks that will change the characters control decreasing accelaration and deceleration so it feels like ice and goes back to normal acc and dec when ur not on ice. Everything is working fine and my guy is gliding like wayne gretsky on that ice!
When i let go of lets say the right button so i dont "walk" right anymore the sprite glides on the ice but it still use the walking animation when gliding across the ice and i guess its because the PMO think my guy is still walking as long as he moves and it has to o with the acc/dec but i want the guys animation to be the "stopped" animation when he is not walking and just gliding from running on the ice? I got touch controls connected to the PMO so it register "player is holding the right/left key etc and i tried to make it so when youre not holding any button but still touch the trigger it should turn on the stopped animation no matter what using "negate"-touch trigger overlapping right button + char touching ice trigger" but it wont help it only makes him to only use the stopped animaton ice then?
Any ideas?
Sorry for bad english