Is it possible?
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I know it'd have a lot of variable but can we make something like that with CTF?
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You can see the game example here: Please login to see this link.
I know it'd have a lot of variable but can we make something like that with CTF?
yes, you can do something like this in CTF as well using shaders + some lighting masks(?)
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But how do you set the shadow position?
This is somewhat advanced stuff, if you don't get reply here you migth want to look into discord as well. For shadow there's probably some kind event which handles shadow positions, eg. based on where virtual sun/moon is based on day/night time. And using math to set scale/angle probably....
I think that game is done in a 3d engine with real time lightning which makes it easier. but you could get something similar darkness can probably be done with masking as Pixel said, color can be done with a saturation or hue effect.
Shadow you would have to create a a unique one for each object, have a day timer (probably in an alt value) and then angle it based on that counter. use the same value to set your hue/saturation. You would come a long way if you just get the darkness and color to work without the shadow.
Based on my experience with Clickteam Fusion I think you could achieve something similar, not at the level of the game you show but good enough...
Here is a sample of a day/night system that I was working on a while ago with Clickteam Fusion. I did this by using the classic layer method with the "Subtract" effect and modifying the RGB values to make suitable tones based on the time of day.
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About shadows, maybe you can use a shadow image for each object and using rotation (to rotate the shadow based on the sun position), scale (to make it stretch or shrink also based on the sun position) and transparency (so that the shadow fades at nightfall) you can achieve something similar to the effect of the video.
Wow!! Your example Sergio is amazing! I need to test it xD.
Thank you a lot for your words guys, now I can imagine how to do it.
That's pretty amazing Sergio, I would be really intersted about how you achieve that!
Did you use shaders to change the ambiance color?
That's pretty amazing Sergio, I would be really intersted about how you achieve that!
Did you use shaders to change the ambiance color?
Yes, I use shaders on the layers, I particularly like to use "Tint" since I can set the intensity of the "ambient color".
I will try to make a simple example so you can see how it's done.
Here is the example, you need to have the Complex-softwares shader package installed to open it (I don't remember if it currently comes with CF)
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You're the best, thanks a lot!
Sergio you're a beast! Thank you a lot as well!!
You're welcome guys! I must say that doing this example has improved certain aspects of the engine I did previously, so it has been useful for me as well.
I'm improving and adding a few things to the example so I'll share it when it's done.
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i know the creator, and ive seen this code.. and its way above intermediate level... infact its mind boggling.
id suggest finding someone who specializes with shaders and work from there.
[mention]Jonathan[/mention] [mention]Zinume[/mention], Sorry guys for the delay, I forgot to upload the new example, here it is:
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*I have fixed some bugs, modified old formulas, added a counter that marks the hours (you can also choose the initial hour) and the indicator now moves smoother and more precisely so you can have better control of the time speed.
I think now the day and night transitions look better and more realistic.
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there is a good example of shadow positioning here that would work well with day to night using Add/subtract layers for lighting
Updated example from this thread, special thanks to BartekB and SergioAndre
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